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SubjectRe: [PATCH 05/12] time: Add debugging checks to warn if we see delays

* John Stultz <> wrote:

> Recently there's been some request for better sanity
> checking in the time code, so that its more clear
> when something is going wrong since timekeeping issues
> could manifest in a large number of strange ways with
> various subsystems.
> Thus, this patch adds some extra infrastructure to
> add a check update_wall_time to print warnings if we
> see the call delayed beyond the max_cycles overflow
> point, or beyond the clocksource max_idle_ns value
> which is currently 50% of the overflow point.

Just a changelog style nit, but isn't this easier to read:

Thus, this patch adds some extra infrastructure to
add a check to update_wall_time() to print warnings if we
see the call delayed beyond the 'max_cycles' overflow
point, or beyond the clocksource 'max_idle_ns' value
which is currently 50% of the overflow point.


To mark functions with parentheses and arguments in quotes, to make
them mix better with free form English sentences?

> +static void timekeeping_check_update(struct timekeeper *tk, cycle_t offset)
> +{
> +
> + cycle_t max_cycles = tk->tkr.clock->max_cycles;
> + const char *name = tk->tkr.clock->name;
> +
> + if (offset > max_cycles)
> + printk_deferred("ERROR: cycle offset (%lld) is larger then"
> + " allowed %s max_cycles (%lld)\n",
> + offset, name, max_cycles);
> + else if (offset > (max_cycles >> 1))
> + printk_deferred("WARNING: cycle offset (%lld) is past"
> + " the %s 50%% safety margin (%lld)\n",
> + offset, name, max_cycles>>1);

s/larger then/larger than

Also, please don't break user visible messages on col80 boundaries
just to pacify checkpatch: ignore checkpatch in these cases.

Also, plase use curly braces on multi-line statements, plus I'd shape
it like this:

if () {
} else {
if () {

That way the second 'if' condition in the else branch does not get
lost in the noise of silly line breaks. (At least during email review:
in an actual editor syntax highlighting helps.)

> + bool "Enable extra timekeeping sanity checking"
> + help
> + This option will enable additional timekeeping sanity checks
> + which may be helpful when diagnoising issues where timekeeping


There's really a disproportionate ratio of typos, considering how many
iterations this patch-set has been through :-/

Or maybe I'm oversensitive to small details.



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