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SubjectRe: [PATCH] firmware_class: Add firmware filename overrides
On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 03:25:10PM -0800, Charlie Mooney wrote:
> This patch adds an additional feature to the firmware_class.c module.
> To allow a unified method of specifying new firmware locations when
> drivers request a firmware binary to update their devices with, we
> have added the concept of a "fw override"
> A fw override is a rule that matches firmware requests based on the
> name of the device requesting the fw and what the filename for the
> fw they are requesting is, and overrides their requests with a new
> value.
> Overrides are set up by piping a description of the override into
> an attribute set up at /sys/class/firmware/fw_override. The string
> should be a null-deliminited list of the firmware name you want to
> over ride, the new name to replace it with, and the device name that
> you want the override to apply to. For example you could set up
> an override for a device called "my_device" so that any time it
> requests a firmware called "my_fw.bin" it instead gets "new_fw.bin"
> with the following command:
> echo -e 'my_fw.bin\0new_fw.bin\0my_device\0' >
> /sys/class/firmware/fw_override

I hate to ask, but I have to, why do you need this?

Also, this needs to be documented somewhere, Documentation/ABI/ please?


greg k-h

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  Last update: 2015-03-05 01:01    [W:3.144 / U:0.108 seconds]
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