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SubjectRe: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 3/4] usb: Introduce Xen pvUSB backend
On 26/02/15 13:35, Juergen Gross wrote:
> Introduces the Xen pvUSB backend. With pvUSB it is possible for a Xen
> domU to communicate with a USB device assigned to that domU. The
> communication is all done via the pvUSB backend in a driver domain
> (usually Dom0) which is owner of the physical device.

Why do we need a kernel usb backend instead of a user-space one using

> Changes from the original version are:
> - port to upstream kernel
> - put all code in just one source file

?? I'm not sure that was an improvement. The resulting single file is
too large IMO.

> - move module to appropriate location in kernel tree

drivers/xen/ is the correct location for this driver.

(I've not given the driver a detailed review yet.)


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