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Subject[PATCH 7/7] x86/intel_rdt: Add CAT documentation and usage guide
This patch adds a description of Cache allocation technology, overview
of kernel implementation and usage of CAT cgroup interface.

Signed-off-by: Vikas Shivappa <>
Documentation/cgroups/rdt.txt | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 183 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/cgroups/rdt.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/cgroups/rdt.txt b/Documentation/cgroups/rdt.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98eb4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/cgroups/rdt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ ---
+Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation
+Written by
+(based on contents and format from cpusets.txt)
+1. Cache Allocation Technology
+ 1.1 What is RDT and CAT ?
+ 1.2 Why is CAT needed ?
+ 1.3 CAT implementation overview
+ 1.4 Assignment of CBM and CLOS
+ 1.5 Scheduling and Context Switch
+2. Usage Examples and Syntax
+1. Cache Allocation Technology(CAT)
+1.1 What is RDT and CAT
+CAT is a part of Resource Director Technology(RDT) or Platform Shared
+resource control which provides support to control Platform shared
+resources like cache. Currently Cache is the only resource that is
+supported in RDT.
+More information can be found in the Intel SDM section 17.15.
+Cache Allocation Technology provides a way for the Software (OS/VMM)
+to restrict cache allocation to a defined 'subset' of cache which may
+be overlapping with other 'subsets'. This feature is used when
+allocating a line in cache ie when pulling new data into the cache.
+The programming of the h/w is done via programming MSRs.
+The different cache subsets are identified by CLOS identifier (class
+of service) and each CLOS has a CBM (cache bit mask). The CBM is a
+contiguous set of bits which defines the amount of cache resource that
+is available for each 'subset'.
+1.2 Why is CAT needed
+The CAT enables more cache resources to be made available for higher
+priority applications based on guidance from the execution
+The architecture also allows dynamically changing these subsets during
+runtime to further optimize the performance of the higher priority
+application with minimal degradation to the low priority app.
+Additionally, resources can be rebalanced for system throughput
+benefit. (Refer to Section 17.15 in the Intel SDM)
+This technique may be useful in managing large computer systems which
+large LLC. Examples may be large servers running instances of
+webservers or database servers. In such complex systems, these subsets
+can be used for more careful placing of the available cache
+The CAT kernel patch would provide a basic kernel framework for users
+to be able to implement such cache subsets.
+1.3 CAT implementation Overview
+Kernel implements a cgroup subsystem to support cache allocation.
+Each cgroup has a CLOSid <-> CBM(cache bit mask) mapping.
+A CLOS(Class of service) is represented by a CLOSid.CLOSid is internal
+to the kernel and not exposed to user. Each cgroup would have one CBM
+and would just represent one cache 'subset'.
+The cgroup follows cgroup hierarchy ,mkdir and adding tasks to the
+cgroup never fails. When a child cgroup is created it inherits the
+CLOSid and the CBM from its parent. When a user changes the default
+CBM for a cgroup, a new CLOSid may be allocated if the CBM was not
+used before. The changing of 'cbm' may fail with -ERRNOSPC once the
+kernel runs out of maximum CLOSids it can support.
+User can create as many cgroups as he wants but having different CBMs
+at the same time is restricted by the maximum number of CLOSids
+(multiple cgroups can have the same CBM).
+Kernel maintains a CLOSid<->cbm mapping which keeps reference counter
+for each cgroup using a CLOSid.
+The tasks in the cgroup would get to fill the LLC cache represented by
+the cgroup's 'cbm' file.
+Root directory would have all available bits set in 'cbm' file by
+1.4 Assignment of CBM,CLOS
+The 'cbm' needs to be a subset of the parent node's 'cbm'.
+Any contiguous subset of these bits(with a minimum of 2 bits) maybe
+set to indicate the cache mapping desired. The 'cbm' between 2
+directories can overlap. The 'cbm' would represent the cache 'subset'
+of the CAT cgroup. For ex: on a system with 16 bits of max cbm bits,
+if the directory has the least significant 4 bits set in its 'cbm'
+file(meaning the 'cbm' is just 0xf), it would be allocated the right
+quarter of the Last level cache which means the tasks belonging to
+this CAT cgroup can use the right quarter of the cache to fill. If it
+has the most significant 8 bits set ,it would be allocated the left
+half of the cache(8 bits out of 16 represents 50%).
+The cache portion defined in the CBM file is available to all tasks
+within the cgroup to fill and these task are not allowed to allocate
+space in other parts of the cache.
+1.5 Scheduling and Context Switch
+During context switch kernel implements this by writing the
+CLOSid (internally maintained by kernel) of the cgroup to which the
+task belongs to the CPU's IA32_PQR_ASSOC MSR. The MSR is only written
+when there is a change in the CLOSid for the CPU in order to minimize
+the latency incurred during context switch.
+2. Usage examples and syntax
+To check if CAT was enabled on your system
+dmesg | grep -i intel_rdt
+should output : intel_rdt: cbmlength:xx, Closs:xx
+the length of cbm and CLOS should depend on the system you use.
+Following would mount the cache allocation cgroup subsystem and create
+2 directories. Please refer to Documentation/cgroups/cgroups.txt on
+details about how to use cgroups.
+ cd /sys/fs/cgroup
+ mkdir rdt
+ mount -t cgroup -ordt rdt /sys/fs/cgroup/rdt
+ cd rdt
+Create 2 rdt cgroups
+ mkdir group1
+ mkdir group2
+Following are some of the Files in the directory
+ ls
+ rdt.cbm
+ tasks
+Say if the cache is 2MB and cbm supports 16 bits, then setting the
+below allocates the 'right 1/4th(512KB)' of the cache to group2
+Edit the CBM for group2 to set the least significant 4 bits. This
+allocates 'right quarter' of the cache.
+ cd group2
+ /bin/echo 0xf > cat.cbm
+Edit the CBM for group2 to set the least significant 8 bits.This
+allocates the right half of the cache to 'group2'.
+ cd group2
+ /bin/echo 0xff > rdt.cbm
+Assign tasks to the group2
+ /bin/echo PID1 > tasks
+ /bin/echo PID2 > tasks
+ Meaning now threads
+ PID1 and PID2 get to fill the 'right half' of
+ the cache as the belong to cgroup group2.
+Create a group under group2
+ cd group2
+ mkdir group21
+ cat rdt.cbm
+ 0xff - inherits parents mask.
+ /bin/echo 0xfff > rdt.cbm - throws error as mask has to parent's mask's subset

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  Last update: 2015-03-13 00:21    [W:0.120 / U:0.856 seconds]
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