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    SubjectRe: live kernel upgrades (was: live kernel patching design)

    * Josh Poimboeuf <> wrote:

    > Your upgrade proposal is an *enormous* disruption to the
    > system:
    > - a latency of "well below 10" seconds is completely
    > unacceptable to most users who want to patch the kernel
    > of a production system _while_ it's in production.

    I think this statement is false for the following reasons.

    - I'd say the majority of system operators of production
    systems can live with a couple of seconds of delay at a
    well defined moment of the day or week - with gradual,
    pretty much open ended improvements in that latency
    down the line.

    - I think your argument ignores the fact that live
    upgrades would extend the scope of 'users willing to
    patch the kernel of a production system' _enormously_.

    For example, I have a production system with this much

    10:50:09 up 153 days, 3:58, 34 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05

    While currently I'm reluctant to reboot the system to
    upgrade the kernel (due to a reboot's intrusiveness),
    and that is why it has achieved a relatively high
    uptime, but I'd definitely allow the kernel to upgrade
    at 0:00am just fine. (I'd even give it up to a few
    minutes, as long as TCP connections don't time out.)

    And I don't think my usecase is special.

    What gradual improvements in live upgrade latency am I
    talking about?

    - For example the majority of pure user-space process
    pages in RAM could be saved from the old kernel over
    into the new kernel - i.e. they'd stay in place in RAM,
    but they'd be re-hashed for the new data structures.
    This avoids a big chunk of checkpointing overhead.

    - Likewise, most of the page cache could be saved from an
    old kernel to a new kernel as well - further reducing
    checkpointing overhead.

    - The PROT_NONE mechanism of the current NUMA balancing
    code could be used to transparently mark user-space
    pages as 'checkpointed'. This would reduce system
    interruption as only 'newly modified' pages would have
    to be checkpointed when the upgrade happens.

    - Hardware devices could be marked as 'already in well
    defined state', skipping the more expensive steps of
    driver initialization.

    - Possibly full user-space page tables could be preserved
    over an upgrade: this way user-space execution would be
    unaffected even in the micro level: cache layout, TLB
    patterns, etc.

    There's lots of gradual speedups possible with such a model

    With live kernel patching we run into a brick wall of
    complexity straight away: we have to analyze the nature of
    the kernel modification, in the context of live patching,
    and that only works for the simplest of kernel

    With live kernel upgrades no such brick wall exists, just
    about any transition between kernel versions is possible.

    Granted, with live kernel upgrades it's much more complex
    to get the 'simple' case into an even rudimentarily working
    fashion (full userspace state has to be enumerated, saved
    and restored), but once we are there, it's a whole new
    category of goodness and it probably covers 90%+ of the
    live kernel patching usecases on day 1 already ...



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