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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/3] ser_gigaset: fix up NULL checks
> Should we backport this all the way to v2.6.32 (currently the oldest
> stable tree)?

We need to be able to explain how the case being tested can occur, then
explain the situation in which it actually prevents a race condition.

If nobody can do that then it shouldn't be backported because its change
without value and just risk.

The right fix as far as I can see is to remove the tests although
WARN_ON() combined with your tty->ops change might be safer.

> It's pretty obvious that this should have been part of commit
> f34d7a5b7010 ("tty: The big operations rework"). That being said, these

It ahould probably have been fixed around the same time or in one of the
tty locking reviews, but drivers/isdn and net/irda weren't traditionally
part of the general tty maintenance but handled separately/

> test puzzle me. It's not obvious why they're needed. Ie, can the null
> dereferences they try to catch really happen? But I can try to figure
> out that in the future, if I ever feel the urge to do so. Anyhow:
> Acked-by: Paul Bolle <>

Nacked-by: Alan Cox <>

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  Last update: 2015-12-08 23:41    [W:0.079 / U:0.188 seconds]
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