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SubjectRe: [PATCH] perf record: Add snapshot mode support for perf's regular events
On 11/24/15 8:50 PM, Wangnan (F) wrote:
> Actually we are discussing about this problem.
> For such tracking events (PERF_RECORD_FORK...), we have dummy event so
> it is possible for us to receive tracking events from a separated
> channel, therefore we don't have to parse every events to pick those
> events out. Instead, we can process tracking events differently, then
> more interesting things can be done. For example, squashing those tracking
> events if it takes too much memory...

If you look at my daemon code I process task events (FORK, MMAP, EXIT)
to maintain task state including flushing threads when they terminate.
This is a trade-off to having the knowledge to pretty-print addresses
(address to symbol resolution) yet not grow without bounds -- be it a
file or memory.

> Furthermore, there's another problem being discussed: if userspace
> ringbuffer
> is bytes based, parsing event is unavoidable. Without parsing event we are
> unable to find the new 'head' pointer when overwriting. Instead, we are
> thinking about a bucket-based ringbuffer that, let perf maintain a series
> of bucket, each time 'poll' return, perf copies new events to the start of
> a bucket. If all bucket is occupied, we drop the oldest bucket.
> Bucket-based
> ringbuffer watest some memory but can avoid event parsing.
> And there's many other problems in this patch. For example, when SIGUSR2 is
> received, we need to do something to let all perf events start dumping.
> Current implementation can't ensure we receive events just before the
> SIGUSR2 if we not set 'no-buffer'.
> Also, output events are in one, which is not user friendly.
> Our final goal is to make perf a daemonized moniter, which can run 7x24
> in user's environment. Each time a glitch is detected, a framework sends
> a signal to perf to get a from it perf. The framework manage
> those like logrotate, help developer analysis those glitch.

Exactly. And that's why my daemon is written the way it is. It is
intended to run 24x7x365. It retains the last N events which are dumped
when some external trigger tells it to.

Arnaldo: you asked about an event in the stream but that is not
possible. My scheduling daemon targets CPU usage prior to a significant
event (what was running, how long, where, etc). The significant event in
the motivating case was STP timeouts -- if stp daemon is not able to
send BPDUs why? What was running leading up to the timeout. The point is
something external to the perf daemon says 'hey, save the last N-events
for analysis'.

This case sounds like a generalization of my problem with the desire to
write a file instead of processing the events and dumping to a
file. It is doable. For example, synthesize task events for all threads
in memory and then write out the saved samples.

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