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    SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 0/7] User namespace mount updates
    On 2015-11-18 09:30, Seth Forshee wrote:
    > On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 07:46:53AM -0500, Austin S Hemmelgarn wrote:
    >> On 2015-11-17 17:01, Seth Forshee wrote:
    >>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 09:05:42PM +0000, Al Viro wrote:
    >>>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 03:39:16PM -0500, Austin S Hemmelgarn wrote:
    >>>>>> This is absolutely insane, no matter how much LSM snake oil you slatter on
    >>>>>> the whole thing. All of a sudden you are exposing a huge attack surface
    >>>>>> in the place where it would hurt most and as the consolation we are offered
    >>>>>> basically "Ted is willing to fix holes when they are found".
    >>> None of the LSM changes are intended to protect against attacks from
    >>> these sorts of attacks at all, so that's irrelevant.
    >>> As I said before, I'm also working to find holes up front. That plus a
    >>> commitment from the maintainer seems like a good start at least. What
    >>> bar would you set for a given filesystem to be considered "safe enough"?
    >>>>> For the context of static image attacks, anything that's foun
    >>>>> _needs_ to be fixed regardless, and unless you can find some way to
    >>>>> actually prevent attacks on mounted filesystems that doesn't involve
    >>>>> a complete re-write of the filesystem drivers, then there's not much
    >>>>> we can do about it. Yes, unprivileged mounts expose an attack
    >>>>> surface, but so does userspace access to the network stack, and so
    >>>>> do a lot of other features that are considered essential in a modern
    >>>>> general purpose operating system.
    >>>> "X is exposes an attack surface. Y exposes a diferent attack surface.
    >>>> Y is considered important. Therefore X is important enough to implement it"
    >>>> Right...
    >>> That isn't the argument he made. I would summarize the argument as,
    >>> "Saying that X exposes an attack surface isn't by itself enough to
    >>> reject X, otherwise we wouldn't expose anything (such as example Y)."
    >> It's good to see someone understood my meaning...
    >>> You believe that the attack surface is too large, and that's
    >>> understandable. Is it your opinion that this is a fundamental problem
    >>> for an in-kernel filesystem driver, i.e. that we can never be confident
    >>> enough in an in-kernel filesystem parser to allow untrusted data? If
    >>> not, what would it take to establish a level of confidence that you
    >>> would be comfortable with?
    >> While I can't speak for Al's opinion on this, I would like to point
    >> out my earlier comment:
    >>> It's unfeasible from a practical standpoint to expect filesystems
    >> to > assume that stuff they write might change under them due to
    >> malicious > intent of a third party.
    > So maybe the first requirement is that the user cannot modify the
    > backing store directly while the device is mounted.
    >> We can't protect against everything, not without making the system
    >> completely unusable for general purpose computing. There is always
    >> some degree of trust involved in usage of a computer, the OS has to
    >> trust that the hardware works correctly, the administrator has to
    >> trust the OS to behave correctly, and the users have to trust the
    >> administrator. The administrator also needs to have at least some
    >> trust in the users, otherwise he shouldn't be allowing them to use
    >> the system.
    >> Perhaps we should have an option that can only be enabled on
    >> creation of the userns that would allow it to use regular kernel
    >> mounts, and without that option we default to only allowing FUSE and
    >> a couple of virtual filesystems (like /proc and devtmpfs).
    > I've considered the idea of something more global like a sysctl, or a
    > per-filesystem knob in sysfs. I guess a per-container knob is another
    > option, I'm not sure what interface we use to expose it though.
    The most useful way I can see of implementing this would be to have an
    option on container creation that controls whether kernel mounts are
    allowed or not (possibly have it allow any of {no mounts, only FUSE
    mounts, all mounts}), and then have a sysctl to set the default for
    containers created without this option (and possibly one to force all
    containers to ignore the option, and just use the default).

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