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SubjectRe: Is ndo_do_ioctl still acceptable?
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 9:30 PM, Austin S Hemmelgarn
<> wrote:
> On the other hand, based on what you are saying about your device, it sounds
> like you are working on some kind of cryptographically secured (either
> authenticated or encrypted or both) tunnel, in which case the fact that
> security is easier to handle with netlink than ioctls becomes important. If
> you can't ensure security of the endpoint configuration, you can't ensure
> security of the tunnel itself.

Could you substantiate these claims that "security is easier to handle
with netlink". I've never heard this and I don't know why it'd be the
case. Are you referring to the fact that the copy_to/from_user dance
of ioctl opens up more potential vulnerabilities than netlink's
abstracted validation? Or something else? Just confused here...

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