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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] x86/cpufeature: Add CLZERO feature
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 05:50:47PM -0500, Aravind Gopalakrishnan wrote:
> How do you prefer a V2 for this to be sent though-
> Shall I wait until your fixes are in tip.git and resend?
> Or send a V2 on top of current tip.git?

Actually, I just showed it to hpa and he says those CPUID leafs are
going to be filled at some point so no need to add them to the scattered
features list.

If that AMD CPUID leaf 0x80000008 is going to be containing more CPUID
feature bits - and it sounded like it will because you called it "AMD
extended features 2" - then those should really go into into the
x86_capability array, i.e., like you've done it in your initial version.

This also means, that the scattered features would need to get stuff
moved over to the x86_capability array too, but that's for later.

So please fix the SOB chain of your initial patch and send that one out.



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  Last update: 2015-10-27 02:21    [W:0.082 / U:0.080 seconds]
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