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SubjectRe: Shorten efi regions output
On 1/5/15, 10:00 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> On 01/05/15 15:03, Matt Fleming wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Dec, at 11:46:28AM, Borislav Petkov wrote:
>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:17:41AM +0800, Dave Young wrote:
>>>> I have same feeling with you, it is too long for most of people.
>>>> Since the printk code are for EFI_DEBUG, they are around the #ifdef
>>>> so I would like to see a kernel param like efi_debug=on, so only
>>>> efi_debug is specified then these verbose messages are printed.
>>>> Without the param kernel can print some basic infomation about the
>>>> memory ranges.
>>>> In arm64 code there's already a uefi_debug param it can be moved to
>>>> general code so that there will be a goable switch.
>>> Hmm, makes sense to me. Maybe we should really hide those behind a
>>> debug switch, the question is whether asking the user to boot with
>>> "efi_debug=on" in order to see the regions is ok. And I think it is ok
>>> because we do that when debugging other stuff so I don't see anything
>>> different here.
>>> And then when they're disabled by default, we don't really need to
>>> shorten them as they're pure debug output then.
>>> Matt?
>> I'm fine with disabling the EFI memory output regions by default.
>> Printing the regions is still useful for debugging, but like you
>> mention, we frequently ask users to enable other debug options when
>> tracking down issues.
>> Laszlo, would you be OK with that?
> Sure.

Pardon my intrusion into this thread (just going over the past month's
LKML for things I missed). I'd like to see some map output by default in
the kernel. We have on a number of occasions found just this output
useful in debugging boot issues on ARM servers and I suspect that will
remain the case over the coming months. Sure, you can always tell
someone to reboot, but then you have to rely on them doing it.


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