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SubjectRe: Surprising 64-bit performance anomaly (was Re: [PATCH] random: use an improved fast_mix() function)
That is just *weird*.  I'm testing on bare metal, and I keep measuring
significantly better performance for the 64-bit code. Here's an i7-2700K
@ 3.50GHz. (I added a "rolled x2" measurement just for interest's sake.)

The idle performance is very similar for the original and unrolled x2
versions, but under load the original degrades far more. (174.5 cycles
vs. 132.1 for fast_mix3.)

And the 64-bit code is less than 2/3 the time of the 32-bit code
under load. (84.3 cycles average = 132.1 * 63.8%)

Idle make -j9

Rolled x3:
27043 1212 62897 28037
26910 1547 58415 25790
27095 1302 59158 26083
30684 6233 37242 15848
26979 1339 59683 24658
27042 1534 61609 27537
27069 1402 56379 25877
27301 1162 56782 26379
27300 1535 55344 25003
26873 1507 48627 22207

Rolled x2:
25697 2859 34779 11771
27097 5065 31805 12125
25564 2646 54448 22853
25123 2191 57469 29098
24931 2106 57621 27855
25223 2207 63852 31484
24956 2112 74393 34080
25889 2340 65434 33316
25170 2031 68246 31109
25541 2296 70891 34294

Unrolled x3:
23066 1358 50698 29156
22990 1569 59566 28935
22797 1269 58363 28813
22321 1004 54652 30148
23122 1545 52651 29113
22704 875 57904 33033
22793 979 51882 28880
22413 891 55537 30635
22814 997 52760 27188
22998 1020 59592 30133

22038 2303 26656 18045
21209 2082 37559 22256
21134 1626 40082 23261
20689 1436 34227 19133
20804 1503 48391 28563
20979 1617 48235 28095
20752 1427 52101 29817
21046 1830 56703 30179
20828 1362 51196 28658
20865 1659 51641 29680

Unrolled x2:
21051 1667 29000 17989
20889 1381 28328 16046
21244 1664 33015 21364
21130 1628 32588 21417
20753 1497 42376 25412
21943 2917 39879 24932
20880 1279 24064 15512
21303 1389 38724 24107
21416 1712 36570 23549
20956 1652 33578 22983

64-bit, unrolled x2:
16037 1031 16651 9740
16664 2094 19199 12689
16129 1057 20216 8590
16211 905 18382 9964
16637 2056 20125 8495
16229 1218 24190 13176
16515 1632 28717 18022
16220 1096 23762 13147
16307 1103 19599 5382
16326 1145 24844 12837

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  Last update: 2014-06-15 11:41    [W:0.065 / U:0.192 seconds]
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