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Subject[PATCH v2 01/11] crypto: Documentation - crypto API high level spec
The design of the kernel crypto API as well as hints to program with
the kernel crypto API are given.

The documentation contains:
* design aspects of crypto API
* develper specific hints
* references to the API function description

Signed-off-by: Stephan Mueller <>
CC: Marek Vasut <>
Documentation/crypto/crypto-API-spec.txt | 721 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 721 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/crypto/crypto-API-spec.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/crypto/crypto-API-spec.txt b/Documentation/crypto/crypto-API-spec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a24c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/crypto/crypto-API-spec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+Kernel Crypto API Interface Specification
+The kernel crypto API offers a rich set of cryptographic ciphers as well as
+other data transformation mechanisms and methods to invoke these. This document
+contains a description of the API and provides example code.
+To understand and properly use the kernel crypto API a brief explanation of its
+structure is given. Based on the architecture, the API can be separated into
+different components. Following the architecture specification, hints to
+developers of ciphers are provided. Pointers to the API function call
+documentation are given at the end.
+The kernel crypto API refers to all algorithms as "transformation". Therefore, a
+cipher handle variable usually has the name "tfm". Besides cryptographic
+operations, the kernel crypto API also knows compression transforms and handles
+them the same way as ciphers.
+The kernel crypto API serves the following entity types:
+ * consumers requesting cryptographic services
+ * data transformation implementations (typically ciphers) that
+ can be called by consumers using the kernel crypto API
+This specification is intended for consumers of the kernel crypto API as well
+as for developers implementing ciphers. This API specification, however, does
+not discusses all API calls available to data transformation implementations
+((i.e. implementations of ciphers and other transformations (such as CRC or
+even compression algorithms) that can register with the kernel crypto API).
+Note: The terms "transformation" and cipher algorithm are used interchangably.
+The transformation implementation is an actual code or interface to hardware
+which implements a certain transformation with precisely defined behavior.
+The transformation object (TFM) is an instance of a transformation
+implementation. There can be multiple transformation objects associated with
+a single transformation implementation. Each of those transformation objects
+is held by a crypto API consumer or another transformation. Transformation
+object is allocated when a crypto API consumer requests a transformation
+implementation. The consumer is then provided with a structure, which contains
+a transformation object (TFM).
+The transformation context is private data associated with the transformation
+Kernel Crypto API Architecture
+Cipher algorithm types
+The kernel crypto API provides different API calls for the following cipher
+ * Symmetric ciphers
+ * AEAD ciphers
+ * Message digest, including keyed message digest
+ * Random number generation
+ * User space interface
+Ciphers and Templates
+The kernel crypto API provides implementations of single block ciphers and
+message digests. In addition, the kernel crypto API provides numerous
+"templates" that can be used in conjunction with the single block ciphers and
+message digests. Templates include all types of block chaining mode, the HMAC
+mechanism, etc.
+Single block ciphers and message digests can either be directly used by a
+caller or invoked together with a template to form multi-block ciphers or keyed
+message digests.
+A single block cipher may even be called with multiple templates. However,
+templates cannot be used without a single cipher.
+Synchronous and asynchronous operation
+The kernel crypto API provides synchronous and asynchronous API operations.
+When using the synchronous API operation, the caller invokes a cipher operation
+which is performed synchronously by the kernel crypto API. That means, the
+caller waits until the cipher operation completes. Therefore, the kernel crypto
+API calls work like regular function calls. For synchronous operation, the set
+of API calls is small and conceptually similar to any other crypto library.
+Asynchronous operation is provided by the kernel crypto API which implies that
+the invocation of a cipher operation will complete almost instantly. That
+invocation triggers the cipher operation but it does not signal its completion.
+Before invoking a cipher operation, the caller must provide a callback function
+the kernel crypto API can invoke to signal the completion of the cipher
+operation. Furthermore, the caller must ensure it can handle such asynchronous
+events by applying appropriate locking around its data. The kernel crypto API
+does not perform any special serialization operation to protect the caller's
+data integrity.
+Kernel crypto API cipher references and priority
+A cipher is referenced by the caller with a string. That string has the
+following semantics:
+ template(single block cipher)
+where "template" and "single block cipher" is the aforementioned template and
+single block cipher, respectively. If applicable, additional templates may
+enclose other templates, such as
+ template1(template2(single block cipher)))
+The kernel crypto API may provide multiple implementations of a template or a
+single block cipher. For example, AES on newer Intel hardware has the following
+implementations: AES-NI, assembler implementation, or straight C. Now, when
+using the string "aes" with the kernel crypto API, which cipher implementation
+is used? The answer to that question is the priority number assigned to each
+cipher implementation by the kernel crypto API. When a caller uses the string to
+refer to a cipher during initialization of a cipher handle, the kernel crypto
+API looks up all implementations providing an implementation with that name and
+selects the implementation with the highest priority.
+Now, a caller may have the need to refer to a specific cipher implementation and
+thus does not want to rely on the priority-based selection. To accommodate this
+scenario, the kernel crypto API allows the cipher implementation to register a
+unique name in addition to common names. When using that unique name, a caller
+is therefore always sure to refer to the intended cipher implementation.
+The list of available ciphers is given in /proc/crypto. When reading that file,
+all available ciphers are listed. However, that list does not specify all
+possible permutations of templates and ciphers. Each block listed in
+/proc/crypto contains the following information:
+ * name: the generic name of the cipher that is subject to the
+ priority-based selection -- this name can be used by the cipher
+ allocation API calls
+ * driver: the unique name of the cipher -- this name can be used by the
+ cipher allocation API calls
+ * module: the kernel module providing the cipher implementation (or
+ "kernel" for statically linked ciphers)
+ * priority: the priority value of the cipher implementation
+ * refcnt: the reference count of the respective cipher (i.e. the number
+ of current consumers of this cipher)
+ * selftest: specification whether the self test for the cipher passed
+ * type:
+ - blkcipher for symmetric block ciphers
+ - ablkcipher for asymmetric block ciphers
+ - cipher for single block ciphers that may be used with an
+ additional template
+ - shash for symmetric message digest
+ - ahash for asymmetric message digest
+ - aead for AEAD cipher type
+ - compression for compression type transforms
+ - rng for random number generator
+ - givcipher for cipher with associated IV generator
+ * blocksize: blocksize of cipher in bytes
+ * keysize: key size in bytes
+ * ivsize: IV size in bytes
+ * seedsize: required size of seed data for random number generator
+ * digestsize: output size of the message digest
+ * geniv: IV generation type:
+ - eseqiv for encrypted sequence number based IV generation
+ - seqiv for sequence number based IV generation
+ - chainiv for chain iv generation
+ - <builtin> is a marker that the cipher implements IV generation
+ and handling as it is specific to the given cipher
+Key sizes
+When allocating a cipher handle, the caller only specifies the cipher type.
+Symmetric ciphers, however, typically support multiple key sizes (e.g. AES-128
+vs. AES-192 vs. AES-256). These key sizes are determined with the length of the
+provided key. Thus, the kernel crypto API does not provide a separate way to
+select the particular symmetric cipher key size.
+Cipher allocation type and masks
+The different cipher handle allocation functions allow the specification of a
+type and mask flag. Both parameters have the following meaning (and are
+therefore not covered in the subsequent sections).
+The type flag specifies the type of the cipher algorithm. The caller usually
+provides a 0 when the caller wants the default handling. Otherwise, the caller
+may provide the following selections which match the the aforementioned cipher
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER Raw block cipher
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (MAC)
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_BLKCIPHER Synchronous multi-block cipher
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_ABLKCIPHER Asynchronous multi-block cipher
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_DIGEST Raw message digest
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_SHASH Synchronous multi-block hash
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH Asynchronous multi-block hash
+ * CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_RNG Random Number Generation
+The mask flag restricts the type of cipher. The only allowed flag is
+CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC to restrict the cipher lookup function to asynchronous ciphers.
+Usually, a caller provides a 0 for the mask flag.
+When the caller provides a mask and type specification, the caller limits the
+kernel crypto API´s search for a suitable cipher implementation for the given
+cipher name. That means, even when a caller uses a cipher name that exists
+during its initialization call, the kernel crypto API may not select it due
+to the used type and mask field.
+Developing Cipher Algorithms
+Registering and unregistering transformation
+There are three distinct types of registration functions in the Crypto API.
+One is used to register a generic cryptographic transformation, while the
+other two are specific to HASH transformations and COMPRESSion. We will
+discuss the latter two in a separate chapter, here we will only look at
+the generic ones.
+The generic registration functions can be found in include/linux/crypto.h
+and their definition can be seen below. The former function registers a
+single transformation, while the latter works on an array of transformation
+descriptions. The latter is useful when registering transformations in bulk.
+ int crypto_register_alg(struct crypto_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_register_algs(struct crypto_alg *algs, int count);
+The counterparts to those functions are listed below.
+ int crypto_unregister_alg(struct crypto_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_unregister_algs(struct crypto_alg *algs, int count);
+Notice that both registration and unregistration functions do return a value,
+so make sure to handle errors.
+The bulk registration / unregistration functions require that struct crypto_alg
+is an array of count size. These functions simply loop over that array and
+register / unregister each individual algorithm. If an error occurs, the
+loop is terminated at the offending algorithm definition. That means, the
+algorithms prior to the offending algorithm are successfully registered.
+Single-block ciphers [CIPHER]
+Example of transformations: aes, arc4, ...
+This section describes the simplest of all transformation implementations,
+that being the CIPHER type. The CIPHER type is used for transformations
+which operate on exactly one block at a time and there are no dependencies
+between blocks at all.
+Registration specifics
+The registration of [CIPHER] algorithm is specific in that struct crypto_alg
+field .cra_type is empty. The .cra_u.cipher has to be filled in with proper
+callbacks to implement this transformation.
+Fields in struct cipher_alg explained
+This section explains the .cra_u.cipher fields and how they are called.
+All of the fields are mandatory and must be filled:
+ .cia_min_keysize ... Minimum key size supported by the transformation.
+ - This is the smallest key length supported by this
+ transformation algorithm. This must be set to one
+ of the pre-defined values as this is not hardware
+ specific.
+ - Possible values for this field can be found via:
+ $ git grep "_MIN_KEY_SIZE" include/crypto/
+ .cia_max_keysize ... Maximum key size supported by the transformation.
+ - This is the largest key length supported by this
+ transformation algorithm. This must be set to one
+ of the pre-defined values as this is not hardware
+ specific.
+ - Possible values for this field can be found via:
+ $ git grep "_MAX_KEY_SIZE" include/crypto/
+ .cia_setkey() ...... Set key for the transformation.
+ - This function is used to either program a supplied
+ key into the hardware or store the key in the
+ transformation context for programming it later. Note
+ that this function does modify the transformation
+ context.
+ - This function can be called multiple times during
+ the existence of the transformation object, so one
+ must make sure the key is properly reprogrammed
+ into the hardware.
+ - This function is also responsible for checking the
+ key length for validity.
+ - In case a software fallback was put in place in
+ the .cra_init() call, this function might need to
+ use the fallback if the algorithm doesn't support
+ all of the key sizes.
+ .cia_encrypt() ..... Encrypt a single block.
+ - This function is used to encrypt a single block of
+ data, which must be .cra_blocksize big. This always
+ operates on a full .cra_blocksize and it is not
+ possible to encrypt a block of smaller size. The
+ supplied buffers must therefore also be at least
+ of .cra_blocksize size.
+ - Both the input and output buffers are always aligned
+ to .cra_alignmask . In case either of the input or
+ output buffer supplied by user of the crypto API is
+ not aligned to .cra_alignmask, the crypto API will
+ re-align the buffers. The re-alignment means that a
+ new buffer will be allocated, the data will be copied
+ into the new buffer, then the processing will happen
+ on the new buffer, then the data will be copied back
+ into the original buffer and finally the new buffer
+ will be freed.
+ - In case a software fallback was put in place in
+ the .cra_init() call, this function might need to
+ use the fallback if the algorithm doesn't support
+ all of the key sizes.
+ - In case the key was stored in transformation context,
+ the key might need to be re-programmed into the
+ hardware in this function.
+ - This function shall not modify the transformation
+ context, as this function may be called in parallel
+ with the same transformation object.
+ .cia_decrypt() ..... Decrypt a single block.
+ - This is a reverse counterpart to .cia_encrypt(), and
+ the conditions are exactly the same.
+Here are schematics of how these functions are called when operated from
+other part of the kernel. Note that the .cia_setkey() call might happen
+before or after any of these schematics happen, but must not happen during
+any of these are in-flight.
+ KEY ---. PLAINTEXT ---.
+ v v
+ .cia_setkey() -> .cia_encrypt()
+ |
+ '-----> CIPHERTEXT
+Please note that a pattern where .cia_setkey() is called multiple times
+is also valid:
+ KEY1 --. PLAINTEXT1 --. KEY2 --. PLAINTEXT2 --.
+ v v v v
+ .cia_setkey() -> .cia_encrypt() -> .cia_setkey() -> .cia_encrypt()
+ | |
+Multi-block ciphers [BLKCIPHER] [ABLKCIPHER]
+Example of transformations: cbc(aes), ecb(arc4), ...
+This section describes the multi-block cipher transformation implementations
+for both synchronous [BLKCIPHER] and asynchronous [ABLKCIPHER] case. The
+multi-block ciphers are used for transformations which operate on scatterlists
+of data supplied to the transformation functions. They output the result into
+a scatterlist of data as well.
+Registration specifics
+The registration of [BLKCIPHER] or [ABLKCIPHER] algorithms is one of the most
+standard procedures throughout the crypto API. There are no specifics for
+this case other that re-aligning of input and output buffers does not happen
+automatically within the crypto API, but is the responsibility of the crypto
+API consumer. The crypto API consumer shall use crypto_blkcipher_alignmask()
+or crypto_ablkcipher_alignmask() respectively to determine the needs of the
+transformation object and prepare the scatterlist with data accordingly.
+Fields in struct blkcipher_alg and struct ablkcipher_alg explained
+This section explains the .cra_u.blkcipher and .cra_u.cra_ablkcipher fields
+and how they are called. Please note that this is very similar to the basic
+CIPHER case for all but minor details. All of the fields but .geniv are
+mandatory and must be filled:
+ .min_keysize ... Minimum key size supported by the transformation.
+ - This is the smallest key length supported by this
+ transformation algorithm. This must be set to one
+ of the pre-defined values as this is not hardware
+ specific.
+ - Possible values for this field can be found via:
+ $ git grep "_MIN_KEY_SIZE" include/crypto/
+ .max_keysize ... Maximum key size supported by the transformation.
+ - This is the largest key length supported by this
+ transformation algorithm. This must be set to one
+ of the pre-defined values as this is not hardware
+ specific.
+ - Possible values for this field can be found via:
+ $ git grep "_MAX_KEY_SIZE" include/crypto/
+ .setkey() ...... Set key for the transformation.
+ - This function is used to either program a supplied
+ key into the hardware or store the key in the
+ transformation context for programming it later. Note
+ that this function does modify the transformation
+ context.
+ - This function can be called multiple times during
+ the existence of the transformation object, so one
+ must make sure the key is properly reprogrammed
+ into the hardware.
+ - This function is also responsible for checking the
+ key length for validity.
+ - In case a software fallback was put in place in
+ the .cra_init() call, this function might need to
+ use the fallback if the algorithm doesn't support
+ all of the key sizes.
+ .encrypt() ..... Encrypt a scatterlist of blocks.
+ - This function is used to encrypt the supplied
+ scatterlist containing the blocks of data. The crypto
+ API consumer is responsible for aligning the entries
+ of the scatterlist properly and making sure the
+ chunks are correctly sized.
+ - In case a software fallback was put in place in
+ the .cra_init() call, this function might need to
+ use the fallback if the algorithm doesn't support
+ all of the key sizes.
+ - In case the key was stored in transformation context,
+ the key might need to be re-programmed into the
+ hardware in this function.
+ - This function shall not modify the transformation
+ context, as this function may be called in parallel
+ with the same transformation object.
+ .decrypt() ..... Decrypt a single block.
+ - This is a reverse counterpart to .encrypt(), and the
+ conditions are exactly the same.
+Please refer to the single block cipher description for schematics of the block
+cipher usage. The usage patterns are exactly the same for [ABLKCIPHER] and
+[BLKCIPHER] as they are for plain [CIPHER].
+Specifics of asynchronous multi-block cipher
+There are a couple of specifics to the [ABLKCIPHER] interface.
+First of all, some of the drivers will want to use the Generic ScatterWalk
+in case the hardware needs to be fed separate chunks of the scatterlist
+which contains the plaintext and will contain the ciphertext. Please refer
+below for a description and usage of the Generic ScatterWalk interface.
+It is recommended to enqueue cryptographic transformation requests into
+generic crypto queues. This allows for these requests to be processed in
+sequence as the cryptographic hardware becomes free.
+Hashing [HASH]
+Example of transformations: crc32, md5, sha1, sha256,...
+Registering and unregistering the transformation
+There are multiple ways to register a HASH transformation, depending on
+whether the transformation is synchronous [SHASH] or asynchronous [AHASH]
+and the amount of HASH transformations we are registering. You can find
+the prototypes defined in include/crypto/internal/hash.h :
+ int crypto_register_ahash(struct ahash_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_register_shash(struct shash_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_register_shashes(struct shash_alg *algs, int count);
+The respective counterparts for unregistering the HASH transformation are
+as follows:
+ int crypto_unregister_ahash(struct ahash_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_unregister_shash(struct shash_alg *alg);
+ int crypto_unregister_shashes(struct shash_alg *algs, int count);
+Common fields of struct shash_alg and ahash_alg explained
+For definition of these structures, please refer to include/crypto/hash.h .
+We will now explain the meaning of each field:
+ .init() ......... Initialize the transformation context.
+ - Intended only to initialize the state of the HASH
+ transformation at the begining. This shall fill in
+ the internal structures used during the entire duration
+ of the whole transformation.
+ - No data processing happens at this point.
+ .update() ....... Push chunk of data into the driver for transformation.
+ - This function actually pushes blocks of data from upper
+ layers into the driver, which then passes those to the
+ hardware as seen fit.
+ - This function must not finalize the HASH transformation,
+ this only adds more data into the transformation.
+ - This function shall not modify the transformation
+ context, as this function may be called in parallel
+ with the same transformation object.
+ - Data processing can happen synchronously [SHASH] or
+ asynchronously [AHASH] at this point.
+ .final() ....... Retrieve result from the driver.
+ - This function finalizes the transformation and retrieves
+ the resulting hash from the driver and pushes it back to
+ upper layers.
+ - No data processing happens at this point.
+ .finup() ........ Combination of update()+final() .
+ - This function is effectively a combination of update()
+ and final() calls issued in sequence.
+ - As some hardware cannot do update() and final()
+ separately, this callback was added to allow such
+ hardware to be used at least by IPsec.
+ - Data processing can happen synchronously [SHASH] or
+ asynchronously [AHASH] at this point.
+ .digest() ....... Combination of init()+update()+final() .
+ - This function effectively behaves as the entire chain
+ of operations, init(), update() and final() issued in
+ sequence.
+ - Just like .finup(), this was added for hardware which
+ cannot do even the .finup(), but can only do the whole
+ transformation in one run.
+ - Data processing can happen synchronously [SHASH] or
+ asynchronously [AHASH] at this point.
+ .setkey() ....... Set optional key used by the hashing algorithm .
+ - Intended to push optional key used by the hashing
+ algorithm from upper layers into the driver.
+ - This function can store the key in the transformation
+ context or can outright program it into the hardware.
+ In the former case, one must be careful to program
+ the key into the hardware at appropriate time and one
+ must be careful that .setkey() can be called multiple
+ times during the existence of the transformation
+ object.
+ - Not all hashing algorithms do implement this function.
+ -> SHAx/MDx/CRCx do NOT implement this function.
+ -> HMAC(MDx)/HMAC(SHAx) do implement this function.
+ - This function must be called before any other of the
+ init()/update()/final()/finup()/digest() is called.
+ - No data processing happens at this point.
+ .export() ....... Export partial state of the transformation .
+ - This function dumps the entire state of the ongoing
+ transformation into a provided block of data so it
+ can be .import()ed back later on.
+ - This is useful in case you want to save partial result
+ of the transformation after processing certain amount
+ of data and reload this partial result multiple times
+ later on for multiple re-use.
+ - No data processing happens at this point.
+ .import() ....... Import partial state of the transformation .
+ - This function loads the entire state of the ongoing
+ transformation from a provided block of data so the
+ transformation can continue from this point onward.
+ - No data processing happens at this point.
+Here are schematics of how these functions are called when operated from
+other part of the kernel. Note that the .setkey() call might happen before
+or after any of these schematics happen, but must not happen during any of
+these are in-flight. Please note that calling .init() followed immediatelly
+by .finish() is also a perfectly valid transformation.
+ I) DATA -----------.
+ v
+ .init() -> .update() -> .final() ! .update() might not be called
+ ^ | | at all in this scenario.
+ '----' '---> HASH
+ II) DATA -----------.-----------.
+ v v
+ .init() -> .update() -> .finup() ! .update() may not be called
+ ^ | | at all in this scenario.
+ '----' '---> HASH
+ III) DATA -----------.
+ v
+ .digest() ! The entire process is handled
+ | by the .digest() call.
+ '---------------> HASH
+Here is a schematic of how the .export()/.import() functions are called when
+used from another part of the kernel.
+ KEY--. DATA--.
+ v v ! .update() may not be called
+ .setkey() -> .init() -> .update() -> .export() at all in this scenario.
+ ^ | |
+ '-----' '--> PARTIAL_HASH
+ ----------- other transformations happen here -----------
+ v v
+ .import -> .update() -> .final() ! .update() may not be called
+ ^ | | at all in this scenario.
+ '----' '--> HASH1
+ v v
+ .import -> .finup()
+ |
+ '---------------> HASH2
+The struct hash_alg_common fields and it's mirror in struct shash_alg
+This structure defines various size constraints and generic properties of
+the hashing algorithm that is being implemented. Let us first inspect the
+size properties:
+ digestsize .... Size of the result of the transformation.
+ - A buffer of this size must be available to the .final()
+ and .finup() calls, so they can store the resulting hash
+ into it.
+ - For various predefined sizes, search include/crypto/
+ using 'git grep _DIGEST_SIZE include/crypto' .
+ statesize ..... Size of the block for partial state of the transformation.
+ - A buffer of this size must be passed to the .export()
+ function as it will save the partial state of the
+ transformation into it. On the other side, the .import()
+ function will load the state from a buffer of this size
+ as well.
+Specifics of asynchronous HASH transformation
+There are a couple of specifics to the [AHASH] interface.
+First of all, some of the drivers will want to use the Generic ScatterWalk
+in case the hardware needs to be fed separate chunks of the scatterlist
+which contains the input data. The buffer containing the resulting hash will
+always be properly aligned to .cra_alignmask so there is no need to worry
+about this. Please refer to the section 9.1) of this document of the
+description and usage of the Generic ScatterWalk interface.
+It is recommended to enqueue cryptographic transformation requests into
+generic crypto queues. This allows for these requests to be processed in
+sequence as the cryptographic hardware becomes free.
+Single block cipher API
+See source code comments for the *_cipher* calls in include/linux/crypto.h.
+Synchronous block cipher API
+See source code comments for the *_blkcipher* calls in include/linux/crypto.h.
+Asynchronous block cipher API
+See source code comments for the *_ablkcipher* calls and "ablkcipher_request_*
+calls in include/linux/crypto.h.
+Synchronous message digest API
+See source code comments for the *_hash* calls in include/linux/crypto.h.
+Synchronous message digest API with caller-accessible state space
+See source code comments for the *_shash* calls in include/crypto/hash.h.
+Asynchronous message digest API
+See source code comments for the *_ahash* calls and "ahash_request_*
+calls in include/crypto/hash.h.
+Random number generation API
+See source code comments for the *_rng* calls in include/crypto/hash.h.
+AEAD asynchronous cipher API
+See source code comments for the *_aead* calls and "aead_request_*
+calls in include/linux/crypto.h.
+Stephan Mueller <>
+Marek Vasut <>

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