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    Subject[patch 0/2] mm: reduce reclaim stalls with heavy anon and dirty cache
    Tejun reported stuttering and latency spikes on a system where random
    tasks would enter direct reclaim and get stuck on dirty pages. Around
    50% of memory was occupied by tmpfs backed by an SSD, and another disk
    (rotating) was reading and writing at max speed to shrink a partition.


    When calculating the amount of dirtyable memory, the VM considers all
    free memory and all file and anon pages as baseline to which to apply
    dirty limits. This implies that, given memory pressure from dirtied
    cache, the VM would actually start swapping to make room. But alas,
    this is not really the case and page reclaim tries very hard not to
    swap as long as there is any used-once cache available. The dirty
    limit may have been 10-15% of main memory, but page cache was less
    than 50% of that, which means that a third of the pages that the
    reclaimers actually looked at were dirty. Kswapd stopped making
    progress, and in turn allocators were forced into direct reclaim only
    to get stuck on dirty/writeback congestion.

    These two patches fix the dirtyable memory calculation to acknowledge
    the fact that the VM does not really replace anon with dirty cache.
    As such, anon memory can no longer be considered "dirtyable."

    Longer term we probably want to look into reducing some of the bias
    towards cache. The problematic workload in particular was not even
    using any of the anon pages, one swap burst could have resolved it.

     \ /
      Last update: 2014-01-24 23:21    [W:7.238 / U:0.028 seconds]
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