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SubjectRe: RESEND: Generating interrupts from a USB device driver?

On 09/03/2013 12:59 PM, Greg KH wrote:
> Hm, I thought we used to have some of them, I guess people have been
> saying they would write a driver for this type of hardware for a long
> time now :(

Well, on the bright side, we have one now, albeit in a "this is my first
driver that nobody has reviewed yet" state. :) It works (even on RPi --
well, mostly). As-is, it has a fair TODO & fix list, which I'm sure
will grow rapidly with some review. I hope that as I learn the kernel
better, I can generalize parts of this into some re-usable lib for other
USB-to-SPI/I2C/GPIO drivers.

> Anyway, look at the spi core, I think you want to tie into the
> spi_new_device() call in your usb driver, and start sending/receiving
> data through the SPI interfaces the spi core provides.

I'm actually using the alternative to that call, which is the
spi_alloc_device() / spi_add_device() pair as I'm not using struct
spi_board_info at all since it doesn't (currently) have even half of the
fields I need for each device. However, struct spi_device does have the
two void * fields controller_data and controller_state -- I suppose I
can use those to pass a pointer to a add_notify() type of function. I
was just trying to seek a more generic, re-usable mechanism, but this
should at least work for now.

> The Linux SPI mailing list should be able to help you out a lot more
> here than I can.
> greg k-h

Thanks again for your help!

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