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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] ARM: move body of head-common.S back to text section
    [Re: [PATCH] ARM: move body of head-common.S back to text section] On 03/07/2013 (Wed 11:00) Russell King - ARM Linux wrote:

    > On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 01:19:07AM -0400, Paul Gortmaker wrote:
    > > As an aside, I'm now thinking any __INIT that implicitly rely on EOF for
    > > closure are nasty traps waiting to happen and it might be worthwhile to
    > > audit and explicitly __FINIT them before someone appends to the file...
    > That hides a different kind of bug though - I hate __FINIT for exactly
    > that reason. Consider this:

    Agreed - perhaps masking that it is a ".previous" just hides the fact
    that it is more like a pop operation vs. an on/off operation, or per
    function as we have in C.

    > .text
    > blah blah blah
    > __INIT
    > lots of init stuff
    > __FINIT
    > more .text stuff
    > Now, someone comes along and modifies this to be:
    > .text
    > blah blah blah
    > .data
    > something else

    Yeah, that would be kind of careless; not putting .data above the .text,
    or at least closing with a .previous, but sure it could sneak past

    > __INIT
    > lots of init stuff
    > __FINIT

    The presence of the above 3 lines of init block (i.e. here or not)
    doesn't really change the fact that the .data guy broke the below .text
    code by grandfathering it into .data -- But you could argue that him
    seeing the 1st __INIT and that influenced him to decide to not read any
    further down into the file -- which probably does happen, though.... :(

    > more .text stuff
    > Now, what is the effect of that __FINIT now? You get the following .text
    > emitted into the .data section instead. This is basically the same problem
    > you've just encounted.
    > Maybe:
    > __FINIT
    > .text
    > is the safest solution - and __FINIT becomes just a no-op marker to avoid
    > anyone relying on its properties.

    That seems reasonable to me. I can't think of any self auditing that is
    reasonably simple to implement. One downside of __FINIT as a no-op vs.
    what it is today, is that a dangling __FINIT in a file with no other
    previous sections will emit a warning. But that is a small low value
    corner case I think.

     \ /
      Last update: 2013-07-03 18:01    [W:5.933 / U:0.020 seconds]
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