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SubjectRe: [PATCH 10/13] perf kvm: add live mode
On 5/9/13 2:51 AM, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> 1)
> Regarding the basic syntax - is the 'perf stat kvm' command already used
> up? If not then it might make sense to alias 'perf kvm stat live' to 'perf
> kvm stat', making it really easy to use:
> perf kvm stat
> perf kvm stat -p <pid>
> etc. I'd expect most 'perf kvm stat' users to utilize this syntax - so it
> makes sense to make 'live' the default and main command.

The default is for 'perf kvm stat' to call cmd_stat (i.e, perf kvm stat
== perf stat with perf_guest flag set to 1).

> 2)
> Another suggestion: it would be nice to allow a "--repeat <n>" option as
> well, for a limited number of iterations - similar to what the 'top' tool
> allows:
> top -b -d <delay> -n <iterations>
> --repeat 0 means infinite repeats, --repeat 1 means a single step.

Missed that option in perf-top. Let me take a look at it.

> 3)
> It might make sense to create 'perf kvm stat top' which is a small
> variation to 'perf kvm stat live': it outputs a perf stat output per
> second, but also outputs a clear-screen sequence before the output.
> To keep it simple you could do this with plain console text output, not
> libslang, the C code to generate a clear screen sequence can be generated
> via this shell oneliner:
> echo 'prinf("'$(clear)'");' > clearscreen.c
> This way people could see constantly updating top-alike KVM statistics.

Ok, once the basic live command is pulled into Arnaldo's tree I can look
at variations like these last 2 suggestions.


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