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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] sched: wake-affine throttle
On 05/28/2013 04:49 PM, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-05-28 at 15:22 +0800, Michael Wang wrote:
>> On 05/28/2013 02:29 PM, Mike Galbraith wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2013-05-28 at 13:02 +0800, Michael Wang wrote:
>>>> On 05/22/2013 10:55 PM, Mike Galbraith wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 17:25 +0800, Michael Wang wrote:
>>>>>> I've not test the hackbench with wakeup-buddy before, will do it this
>>>>>> time, I suppose the 15% illegal income will suffered, anyway, it's
>>>>>> illegal :)
>>>>> On a 4 socket 40 core (+SMT) box, hackbench wasn't too happy.
>>>> I've done more test and now I got the reason of regression...
>>>> The writer and reader in hackbench is N:N, prev writer will write all
>>>> the fd then switch to next writer and repeat the same work, so it's
>>>> impossible to setup the buddy relationship by just record the last one,
>>>> and we have to record all the waker/wakee in history, but that means
>>>> unacceptable memory overhead...
>>> Yeah, that's why I was thinking we'd need a dinky/fast as hell FIFO of
>>> tokens or such to bind waker/wakee more or less reliably. Making such a
>>> scheme cheap enough could be hard.
>>>> So this buddy idea seems to be bad...
>>>> I think a better way may should be allowing pull in most time, but
>>>> filter the very bad cases carefully.
>>> Any way that is cheap, and fairly accurately recognizes when we're being
>>> stupid will help. First and foremost, it has to be dirt cheap :)
>>>> For workload like pgbench, we actually just need to avoid pull if that
>>>> will damage the 'mother' thread, which is busy and be relied by many
>>>> 'child'.
>>> Yeah, 'mom' is the key player. If we can cheaply recognize mom, that
>>> should get us a generic improvement. Not as good as being able to
>>> recognize the size of her+brood as size changes, but better anyway.
>> That's right, I'm trying to rely on the frequency of a task switching
>> it's wakee in the new idea, it's really cheap and somewhat reliable, I
>> appreciate if you could pay an eye on the new patch and let me know you
>> opinion :)
> I'll feed it to my 40 core box, hopefully soon.

Thanks for that, wish it taste delicious ;-)

Michael Wang

> -Mike

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