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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2 0/5] Generic PHY Framework
On 02/19/2013 09:05:00 AM, Felipe Balbi wrote:
> Greg, can you pitch your suggestion here ? It would be great to hear
> your rationale behind dropping class infrastructure, couldn't find
> anything through Google and since feature-removal-schedule.txt has
> been
> removed (without adding it to feature-removal-schedule.txt, I must add
> :-) I don't know what's the idea behind removing classes.

I actually went through and poked a couple of people about old entries
in feature-removal-shedule.txt last year, but I haven't been very
active since the breakin because my account got disabled,
and I needed to meet kernel developers in person to get keys signed to
get it switched back on (or set up a separate git tree with signed
commits -next could pull from).

I don't get out much; as a consultant I have to take time off from work
and pay for my own travel and lodging. So I've been to exactly two
conferences in the past 3 years: last year's Texas Linux Fest (my house
got broken into and a netbook with the key on it stolen the following
wednesday), and CELF (which I'm on the plane back from now, Greg KH
signed my key! Woo!).

If I can use that to get my account back, set up a tree feeding into
linux-next, and maybe even recover the ability to update, I'd happily field some sort of
feature-removal-schedule list and make sure it stays current. (Linus
didn't ask me about removing the old one, I found out about it from the
git log. But I can't blame him, I haven't exactly been tearing through
the bureaucracy to get my access back. "Volunteer work" and "painful"
tend not to combine well on my todo list in terms of scheduling


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