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    SubjectRe: [patch 7/8] mm, memcg: allow processes handling oom notifications to access reserves
    Hello, Tim.

    On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 04:23:18PM -0800, Tim Hockin wrote:
    > Just to be clear - I say this because it doesn't feel right to impose
    > my craziness on others, and it sucks when we try and are met with
    > "you're crazy, go away". And you have to admit that happens to
    > Google. :) Punching an escape valve that allows us to be crazy
    > without hurting anyone else sounds ideal, IF and ONLY IF that escape
    > valve is itself maintainable.

    I don't think google being considered crazy is a good thing in
    general, highly likely not something to be proud of. It sure is
    partly indicative of the specialization that you guys need but I
    suspect is a much stronger signal for room for better engineering.

    I'm fairly certain the blame is abundant for everybody to share. The
    point I'm trying to make is "let's please stop diverging". It hurts

    > If the escape valve is userspace it's REALLY easy to iterate on our
    > craziness. If it is kernel space, it's somewhat less easy, but not
    > impossible.

    As I'm sure you've gathered from this thread, even punching the
    initial hole is a sizable burden and contortion to the general memory
    management and I'm sure as you guys develop further down the path
    you'll encounter cases where you need further support or holes from
    the kernel. I can't anticipate the details but the fact that those
    will follow is as evident as the day to me, especially given the
    mindset leading to the current situation in the first place.

    Please note that this part of discussion is more abstract than
    necessary for this particular patchset or hole. I'm quite doubtful
    that system-level OOM handling with separate physical reserve is
    likely to survive even just on technical details. The reason why I'm
    keeping at this abstract point is because this seems to be a
    continuing trend rather than a single occurrence and I really hope it

    > Well that's an awesome start. We have or had patches to do a lot of
    > this. I don't know how well scrubbed they are for pushing or whether
    > they apply at all to current head, though.

    Awesome, this looks like something everyone agrees on. :)

    > As an aside: mucking about with extra nesting levels to achieve a
    > stable OOM semantic sounds doable, but it certainly sucks in a unified
    > hierarchy. We'll end up with 1, 2, or 3 (or more in esoteric cases?
    > not sure) extra nesting levels for every other resource dimension.
    > And lawd help us if we ever need to do something similar in a
    > different resource dimension - the cross product is mind-bending.
    > What we do with split-hierarchies is this but on a smaller scale.

    Yes, agreed but I believe there are substantial benefits to having
    certain level of structural constraints. It encourages people to
    ponder the underlying issues and make active trade-offs. Not that
    going off that extreme would be good either but we've gone too far
    towards the other end.

    This being a special issue with memcg, if this turns out to be a big
    enough problem, I don't think having a provision to be able to handle
    it without further nesting would be too crazy - e.g. the ability to
    mark a single cgroup at the root level as for OOM handler or whatever
    - as long as we stay within the boundaries of memcg and cgroup proper,
    but we seem to have ways to go before worrying about that one.



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