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SubjectRe: [PATCH 12/35] autonuma: CPU follow memory algorithm
On Fri, 2012-05-25 at 19:02 +0200, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> + * This function is responsible for deciding which is the best CPU
> + * each process should be running on according to the NUMA
> + * affinity. To do that it evaluates all CPUs and checks if there's
> + * any remote CPU where the current process has more NUMA affinity
> + * than with the current CPU, and where the process running on the
> + * remote CPU has less NUMA affinity than the current process to run
> + * on the remote CPU. Ideally this should be expanded to take all
> + * runnable processes into account but this is a good
> + * approximation. When we compare the NUMA affinity between the
> + * current and remote CPU we use the per-thread information if the
> + * remote CPU runs a thread of the same process that the current task
> + * belongs to, or the per-process information if the remote CPU runs
> a
> + * different process than the current one. If the remote CPU runs the
> + * idle task we require both the per-thread and per-process
> + * information to have more affinity with the remote CPU than with
> the
> + * current CPU for a migration to happen.

This doesn't explain anything in the dense code that follows.

What statistics, how are they used, with what goal etc..

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  Last update: 2012-05-29 15:41    [W:0.772 / U:2.484 seconds]
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