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    SubjectRe: [RFD] cgroup: about multiple hierarchies
    On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 01:19:38PM -0800, Tejun Heo wrote:
    > Hello, guys.
    > I've been thinking about multiple hierarchy support in cgroup for a
    > while, especially after Frederic's pending task counter patchset.
    > This is a write up of what I've been thinking. I don't know what to
    > do yet and simply continuing the current situation definitely is an
    > option, so please read on and throw in your 20 Won (or whatever amount
    > in whatever currency you want).
    > * The problems.
    > The support for multiple process hierarchies always struck me as
    > rather strange. If you forget about the current cgroup controllers
    > and their implementations, the *only* reason to support multiple
    > hierarchies is if you want to apply resource limits based on different
    > orthogonal categorizations.
    > Documentation/cgroups.txt seems to be written with this consideration
    > on mind. It's giving an example of applying limits accoring to two
    > orthogonal categorizations - user groups (profressors, students...)
    > and applications (WWW, NFS...). While it may sound like a valid use
    > case, I'm very skeptical how useful or common mixing such orthogonal
    > categorizations in a single setup would be.
    > If support for multiple hierarchies comes for free, at least in terms
    > of features, maybe it can be better but of course it isn't so. Any
    > given cgroup subsystem (or controller) can only be applied to a single
    > hierarchy, which makes sense for a lot of things - what would two
    > different limits on the same resource from different hierarchies mean?
    > But, there also are things which can be used and useful in all
    > hierarchies - e.g. cgroup freezer and task counter.
    > While the current cgroup implementation and conventions can probably
    > allow admins and engineers to tailor cgroup configuration for a
    > specific setup, it is very difficult to use in generic and automated
    > way. I mean, who owns the freezer or task counter? If they're
    > mounted on their own hierarchies, how should they be structured?
    > Should the different hierarchies be structured such that they are
    > projections of one unified hierarchy so that those generic mechanisms
    > can be applied uniformly? If so, why do we need multiple hierarchies
    > at all?
    > A related limitation is that as different subsystems don't know which
    > hierarchies they'll end up on, they can't cooperate. Wouldn't it make
    > more sense if task counter is a separate thing watching the resources
    > and triggers different actions as conifgured - be it failing forks or
    > freezing?

    For this particular example, I think we'd better have a file in which
    a task can poll and get woken up when the task limit has been reached.
    Then that task can decide to freeze or whatever.

    > And yet another oddity is how cgroup handles nested cgroups - some
    > care about nesting but others just treat both internal and leaf nodes
    > equally. They don't care about the topology at all. This, too, can
    > be fine if you approach things subsys by subsys and use them in
    > different ways but if you try to combine them in generic way you get
    > sucked into the lala land of whatevers.
    > The following is a "best practices" document on using cgroups.
    > To me, it seems to demonstrate the rather ugly situation that the
    > current cgroup is providing. Everyone should tip-toe around cgroup
    > hierarchies and nobody has full knowledge or control over them.
    > e.g. base system management (e.g. systemd) can't use freezer or task
    > counter as someone else might want to use it for different hierarchy
    > layout.
    > It seems to me that cgroup interface is too complicated and inflexible
    > at the same time to be useful in generic manner. Sure, it can be
    > useful for setups individually crafted by engineers and admins to
    > match specific sites or applications but as soon as you try to do
    > something automatic and generic with it, there just are too many
    > different scenarios and limitations to consider.
    > * So, what to do?
    > Heh, I don't know. IIRC, last year at LinuxCon Japan, I heard
    > Christoph saying that the biggest problem w/ cgroup was that it was
    > building completely separate hierarchies out of the traditional
    > process hierarchies. After thinking about this stuff for a while, I
    > fully agree with him. I think this whole thing should have been a
    > layer over the process tree like sessions or program groups.
    > Unfortunately, that ship sailed long ago and we gotta make do with
    > what we have on our collective hands. Here are some paths that we can
    > take.
    > 1. We're screwed anyway. Just don't worry about it and continue down
    > on this path. Can't get much worse, right?
    > This approach has the apparent advantage of not having to do
    > anything and is probably most likely to be taken. This isn't ideal
    > but hey nothing is. :P

    Thing is we have an ABI now and it has been there for a while now. Aren't
    we stuck with it? I'm no big fan of that multiple hierarchies thing either
    but now I fear we have to support it.

    > 2. Make it more flexible (and likely more complex, unfortunately).
    > Allow the utility type subsystems to be used in multiple
    > hierarchies. The easiest and probably dirtiest way to achieve that
    > would be embedding them into cgroup core.
    > Thinking about doing this depresses me and it's not like I have a
    > cheerful personality to begin with. :(

    Another solution is to support a class of multi-bindable subsystems as in
    this old patch from Paul:

    It sounds to me more healthy to iterate only over subsystems in fork/exit.
    We probably don't want to add a new iteration over cgroups themselves
    on these fast path.

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