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    SubjectRE: [RFC][PATCH v4 -next 1/4] Move kmsg_dump(KMSG_DUMP_PANIC) below smp_send_stop()
    > Do you have any comments?

    I'm stuck in because I don't know how assign probabilities to
    the failure cases with kmsg_dump() before and after the smp_send_stop().

    There's a well documented tendency in humans to stick with the status
    quo in such situations. I'm definitely finding it hard to provide
    a positive recommendation (ACK).

    So I'll just talk out loud here for a bit in case someone sees
    something obviously flawed in my understanding.

    Problem statement: We'd like to maximize our chances of saving the
    tail of the kernel log when the system goes down. With the current
    ordering there is a concern that other cpus will interfere with the
    one that is saving the log.

    Problems in current code flow:
    *) Other cpus might hold locks that we need. Our options are to fail,
    or to "bust" the locks (but busting the locks may lead to other
    problems in the code path - those locks were there for a reason).
    There are only a couple of ways that this could be an issue.
    1) The lock is held because someone is doing some other pstore
    filesystem operation (reading and erasing records). This has a
    very low probability. Normal code flow will have some process harvest
    records from pstore in some /etc/rc.d/* script - this process should
    take much less than a second.
    2) The lock is held because some other kmsg_dump() store is in progress.
    This one seems more worrying - think of an OOPS (or several) right
    before we panic

    Problems in proposed code flow:
    *) smp_send_stop() fails:
    1) doesn't actually stop other cpus (we are no worse off than before we
    made this change)
    2) doesn't return - so we don't even try to dump to pstore back end. x86
    code has recently been hardened (though I can still imagine a pathological
    case where in a crash the cpu calling this is uncertain of its own
    identity, and somehow manages to stop itself - perhaps we are so screwed up
    in this case that we have no hope anyway)
    *) Even if it succeeds - we may still run into problems busting locks because
    even though the cpu that held them isn't executing, the data structures
    or device registers protected by the lock may be in an inconsistent state.
    *) If we had just let this other cpus keep running, they'd have finished their
    operation and freed up the problem lock anyway


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      Last update: 2012-01-20 18:59    [W:4.852 / U:0.008 seconds]
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