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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 00/24] C6X: New architecture
On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 08:21:58 EDT, Mark Salter said:

> One thing that we plan to push later is an XIP model where cores can share a
> single kernel text image but run with their own copies of data. So you end up
> with something like a loosely coupled multiprocessor system with some hardware
> support for multicore communication and peripheral sharing.

Ah, OK. I eventually came across a mention in one of the patches of running
a separate instance of Linux on each core, whick left me even more mystified.
But the above clarifies it, thanks...

I wonder how many currently global variables will need to be moved to per_cpu
structures to make it work, and how intrusive that will end up. Or is the plan
to have the boot loader simply plonk the entire .data/.bss in different locations
for each core?

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