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SubjectRE: [PATCH] add slice by 8 algorithm to crc32.c
> Happy to consider this. I have been asking the list for comments about the
> idea of dropping the BITS=2 and BITS=4 algorithms altogether which would
> make the table size just 256. So far no one has claimed that they actually
> care about those algorithms except as 'examples'. The 'Sarwate' algorithm
> (which I added as an 8 bit version) is faster and only adds 2x4KB of table.

Um, I thought the Sarwate agorithm was what was already there as BITS=8.
(The original paper stores the CRC in two 8-bit variables and two
8-bit tables rather than using 16-bit words, but other than that,
it's identical.)

And that requires just 1KB of table per endianness.

Anyway, I thought the complaint about laarge tables was
not so much the memory as the L1 cache pollution.

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  Last update: 2011-08-08 22:47    [W:0.092 / U:0.264 seconds]
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