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Subject[Update] LPC2011 Power Management Micro Conf

On Sunday, July 03, 2011, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I sent the following to linux-pm and wasn't really satisfied
> with the response, so here it goes again. It is slightly outdated, because
> we've already started to plan a PM meeting at the Kernel Summit, but I hope
> some of you will be able to participate in the LPC PM Mini Conf too.
> In the previous years we used to organize Power Management Mini Summits to
> discuss PM-related issues, the last of which took place during LinuxCon in
> Boston in 2010. Unfortunately, however, it wasn't particularly well attended
> and some of the participants generally felt that it had failed its purpose.
> The power management track at the last LPC, on the other hand, was generally
> regarded as interesting and successful, so there only seems to be room for
> one event devoted to power management a year. For this reason, there won't
> be a PM Mini Summit in 2011 and the LPC PM Mini Conference will play the role
> of it. To this end, in addition to the plenary sessions within the LPC PM
> track there will be a possibility to discuss specific problems related to
> power management in smaller groups.
> If there's anything you'd like to discuss or give a presentation on related to
> Power Management, please let me know, preferably by replying to this message.
> We have 1.5 hours allocated in the LPC schedule for the plenary session, but
> we will be able to move to another room (or a number of rooms if that's more
> suitable) afterwards to discuss things in detail.

The LPC planned schedule has recently changed so that the PM microconference
is now scheduled on Thursday, Sep. 8, 2011, at 4:45 PM. Since the LPC
organizers have no plans for Thursday evening, we can easily extend the
discussion part pretty much as far as we want.

Please review the updated agenda at
and adjust your plans. Sorry for the inconveniences, if any.


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  Last update: 2011-08-31 00:39    [W:0.093 / U:0.344 seconds]
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