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SubjectRe: Problem with writing virtual serial device driver.
2011/8/25 Alan Cox <>:
> The first question would be what error code you get when you try and open
> your new device, that would tell you much, and help identify your problem.

I don't get any error. I can open the device with minicom and
everything appears to be fine but non of ops registered for the device
get's called -- the device is not doing anything. The "dbg()" calls
that I've put all around are not being triggered. The only time dbg()
is printed is init function, which is successful.

I have no clue what can be wrong. As the device is purly virtual I
leave a lot of fields in the original structure empty so this might be
a problem, but how do I know which ones should I fill with some dummy
values? (if this would be a problem of course).

Dawid Ciężarkiewicz
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