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SubjectRe: [PATCH] xfs: prevent leaking uninitialized stack memory in FSGEOMETRY_V1
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 09:25:04AM -0500, Dan Rosenberg wrote:
> The FSGEOMETRY_V1 ioctl (and its compat equivalent) calls out to
> xfs_fs_geometry() with a version number of 3. This code path does not
> fill in the logsunit member of the passed xfs_fsop_geom_t, leading to
> the leaking of four bytes of uninitialized stack data to potentially
> unprivileged callers. Since all other members are filled in all code
> paths and there are no padding bytes in this structure, it's safe to
> avoid an expensive memset() in favor of just clearing this one field.

If this really is a security problem, then it should use a memset.
This is not a performance critical path and there are differences in
the padding of the structure between 32 bit and 64 bit ioctl
variants (it has a compat ioctl handler) and that can only be
correctly handled by memset().

Also, using a memset means we won't have the problem of introducing
new uninitialised fields or padding if we ever rev the structure


Dave Chinner

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  Last update: 2011-02-14 12:49    [W:0.086 / U:1.344 seconds]
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