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SubjectRe: RFC: android logger feedback request
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 05:22, Brian Swetland <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Kay Sievers <> wrote:
>> We would like to have for the general Linux use case is a kmsg, that
>> supports structured data, but looks the same as it looks today to
>> current and legacy tools.
>> We would like to have every printk that does not start with a
>> KERN_CONT to create a record in the kmsg buffer. This record would
>> carry directly a timestamp, the log facility and the log level and a
>> reference to the usual human readable string.
>> The current kmsg prefixing of the timestamp would be a runtime switch,
>> and just added when the records are traversed, instead of the current
>> buffer printing.
>> In addition to this common data, every record can carry a
>> 'dictionary', which basically looks like a process environment, means
>> KEY=value pairs. The additional data can carry all the stuff that is
>> needed for structured logging and provides the base for machine
>> readable log information.
>> We don't want to separate multiple stores to avoid ordering problems
>> when the messages need to be merged from the multiple streams on the
>> receiver side.
>> I think this is theoretically all possible with the current kmsg,
>> without breaking anything. The current interfaces would iterate over
>> the record list and print out the human readable parts and skip the
>> metadata, instead of just copying a linear byte stream. To tools, it
>> could look the same as it is currently. It's just that the ring buffer
>> is not a byte- but a record-buffer.
>> Advanced tools could get a new interface or switch the old interface
>> to pipe out the structured data too.
>> In the systemd journal, we have an ASCII-like stream format that
>> carries out structured data and is binary data capable.
>> If we want to think about any next generation logging, I'm convinced,
>> we need to support records, structured data and binary data; anything
>> else is unlikely worth to change the current stuff.
> Any thoughts as to how one could allow N userspace agents to log to a
> single shared buffer without one agent, if buggy or malicious,
> spamming out all the other contents of the log?

In systemd journal, users get separate databases, but still all
databases are written by the same process.

All input is rate-limited based on log priority and remaining space.

> This is one of the
> main reasons we maintain separate logs in Android today, and are
> likely to continue doing so until we figure out how resolve the issue.

Right, it's a problem, but we think it can be solved with still having
a single interface, and a single representation on the log consumer

> Having everything in one unified log definitely has benefits (it
> certainly makes keeping everything ordered and reading everything back
> simpler), however we can't control third party applications (by
> design), so systems that require apps to "just don't do that" are not
> really solving that problem for us.

Yeah sure, but rate limiting and separating databases should make that possible.

> Also, as I mentioned earlier, from a security standpoint it is highly
> desirable to be able to restrict which records certain readers can
> read.  Convincing third party app developers to not log sensitive or
> PII data remains a challenge -- providing the ability for filtered
> read access allows some mitigation (app can retrieve it's own logs for
> a bug report but can't sift through all logs looking for interesting
> tidbits).

Yes, Android is a bit different with the model of assigning uids to
apps. We focus mainly on the 1 system and the N logged-in users, which
all get their own database. I think the same model could work just
fine for the app-uids on Android. The important difference to separate
stores is that there is a single process writing all that, and that
can assign sequence numbers regardless in which database the record
will be stored for later merging/sorting of the records.

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