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SubjectRe: [PATCH] VFS: br_write_lock locks on possible CPUs other than online CPUs
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 08:05:32PM +0530, Srivatsa S. Bhat wrote:

> Sorry but I didn't quite get your point...
> No two cpu hotplug operations can race because of the cpu_hotplug lock they
> use. Hence, if a cpu online operation begins, it has to succeed or fail
> eventually. No other cpu hotplug operation can intervene. Ditto for cpu offline
> operations.
> Hence a CPU_UP_PREPARE event *will* be followed by a corresponding
> CPU_UP_CANCELED or CPU_ONLINE event for the same cpu. (And we ignore the
> CPU_STARTING event that comes in between, on purpose, so as to avoid the race
> with cpu_online_mask). Similar is the story for offline operation.
> And if the notifier grabs the spinlock and keeps it locked between these 2
> points of a cpu hotplug operation, it ensures that our br locks will spin,
> instead of block till the cpu hotplug operation is complete. Isn't this what
> we desired all along? "A non-blocking way to sync br locks with cpu hotplug"?
> Or am I missing something?

The standard reason why losing the timeslice while holding a spinlock means
CPU1: grabs spinlock
CPU[2..n]: tries to grab the same spinlock, spins
CPU1: does something blocking, process loses timeslice
CPU1: whatever got scheduled there happens to to try and grab the same
spinlock and you are stuck. At that point *all* CPUs are spinning on
that spinlock and your code that would eventually unlock it has no chance
to get any CPU to run on.

Having the callback grab and release a spinlock is fine (as long as you
don't do anything blocking between these spin_lock/spin_unlock). Having
it leave with spinlock held, though, means that the area where you can't
block has expanded a whole lot. As I said, brittle...

A quick grep through the actual callbacks immediately shows e.g.
del_timer_sync() done on CPU_DOWN_PREPARE. And sysfs_remove_group(),
which leads to outright mutex_lock(). And sysfs_remove_link() (ditto).
And via_cputemp_device_remove() (again, mutex_lock()). And free_irq().
And perf_event_exit_cpu() (mutex_lock()). And...

IOW, there are shitloads of deadlocks right there. If your callback's
position in the chain is earlier than any of those, you are screwed.

No, what I had in mind was different - use the callbacks to maintain a
bitmap that would contain
a) all CPUs that were online at the moment
b) ... and not too much else
Updates protected by spinlock; in all cases it gets dropped before the
callback returns. br_write_lock() grabs that spinlock and iterates over
the set; it *does* leave the spinlock grabbed - that's OK, since all
code between br_write_lock() and br_write_unlock() must be non-blocking
anyway. br_write_unlock() iterates over the same bitmap (unchanged since
br_write_lock()) and finally drops the spinlock.

AFAICS, what we want in callback is
grab spinlock
remove cpu from bitmap
drop spinlock
grab spinlock
add cpu to bitmap
drop spinlock
That ought to keep bitmap close to cpu_online_mask, which is enough for
our purposes.

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