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SubjectRe: [RFC] Device isolation infrastructure v2
On Mon, 2011-12-19 at 11:11 +1100, David Gibson wrote:
> They have no inbuilt concept
> of domains (though we could fake in software in some circumstances).

That sentence doesn't make much sense to me.

Either you're saying that every device behind a given IOMMU is in *one*
domain (i.e. there's one domain per PCI host bridge), or you're saying
that each device has its *own* domain (maximum isolation, but still
perhaps not really true if you end up with PCIe-to-PCI bridges or broken
hardware such as the ones we've been discovering, where multifunction
devices do their DMA from the wrong function).

Either way, you *do* have domains. You just might not have thought about
it before.

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