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SubjectRe: Porting m68k/nommu to a new board.
Hi Greg,

Sorry for not replying sooner. Too much work :(

> I run on ColdFire parts all the time. Right up to 3.2-rc5 :-)
> It works great. But I don't have or regularly use any original m68k
> core hardware. I occasionally compile for the 68328 target, so it
> will compile, can't be sure if it still runs though.

I did a bit of poking around, I couldn't get the 68328 target to build.. I was
going to have a play with it in xcopilot. It complains about some linker
section missing .. but I started hacking it up anyway.. at the moment m68328
depends on m68000 which in turn causes the 68328 platform stuff to build.
So I worked that a little so that 68000 is its own target that builds with
some minimal startup code (so I can dump the resulting image into my emulator
and see how far it gets.. I have a gdbserver in my emulator so I can fully see
whats happening). I haven't managed to get an image out of it yet.. but I will
have another go at the weekend.

I'm going to get an old palm pilot off of ebay and see if I can get the 68328
target running too.



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