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SubjectRe: Suspend and resume on ASUS Laptops

On Thursday, December 01, 2011, Steven Rostedt wrote:
> For Black Friday I bought myself a ASUS-U56E-RBL8 at Staples for a
> decent price. I installed Linux on it but it would not suspend. It would
> always hang with the hard drive light on, as well as other leds and the
> power light.
> Searching the web, I found this link:
> That talks about adding a script found here:
> I added the script and sure enough, my suspend and even resume now work.

Now, that's interesting, but I would lie if I said I knew what it was
actually doing, so let me add some USB people to the CC list.

> Before using this script, I've tried this on latest Debian testing and
> with the latest Linus kernel (as of last night), and it didn't work. But
> with this script, it works there and also with Debian stable and 3.0.10
> kernel. (I hate gnome3 and lack of gnome2 so I created a separate
> partition to run Debian testing, but I'm back to Debian stable).
> The reason I'm writing you is, can we fix this without needing this
> script? Is there a modification to pm-suspend, or something that can
> handle these laptops?
> It just seems crazy to have everyday users add this script.

I totally agree, I had no idea it was necessary.


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  Last update: 2011-12-01 10:35    [W:0.066 / U:0.188 seconds]
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