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SubjectRe: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] KVM: Add wrapper script around QEMU to test kernels
On Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 11:08:10AM -0600, Anthony Liguori wrote:
> I'm quite happy with KVM tool and hope they continue working on it.
> My only real wish is that they wouldn't copy QEMU so much and would
> try bolder things that are fundamentally different from QEMU.

My big wish is that they don't try to merge the KVM tool into the
kernel code. It's a separate userspace project, and there's no reason
for it to be bundled with kernel code. It just makes the kernel
sources larger. The mere fact that qemu-kvm exists means that the KVM
interface has to remain backward compatible; it *is* an ABI.

So integrating kvm-tool into the kernel isn't going to work as a free
pass to make non-backwards compatible changes to the KVM user/kernel
interface. Given that, why bloat the kernel source tree size?

Please, keep the kvm-tool sources as a separate git tree.

- Ted

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  Last update: 2011-11-06 19:33    [W:0.238 / U:0.064 seconds]
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