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SubjectRe: Floating point usage inside kernel
Ok, understood!

Just one more question. To do this, do I need to change the data type
from double to int?



On 11/25/2011 06:10 PM, Paulo Marques wrote:
> Nuno Santos wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Unless you have overflow or need more than 16 bits of fractional
>>> precision, you'll have no problem with this approach.
>>> I hope this helps,
>> Sorry, i'm not sure if I have completely understand your suggestion. Are
>> you telling me to apply this transform only to my input data, or to all
>> the operations that are applied in the function used in kernel?
> Imagine that your matrix coefficients are:
> 2.5, 1, 4.7
> 45.3, 0.765, 10
> 0, 0, 1
> and your input is:
> 3420.56, 5410.76, 1
> You start by converting the matrix coefficients:
> 2.5 * 65536.0 = 163840
> ....
> so the matrix becomes:
> 163840 65536 308019
> 2968781 50135 655360
> 0 0 65536
> This can be done in userspace and the coefficients can be sent to the
> kernel as fixed point numbers.
> You do the same (this time on the kernel) with your input, so it becomes:
> 224169820 354599567 65536
> Now you can do:
> q[0] = fixed_mul(p[0], a[0][0]) + fixed_mul(p[1], a[1][0]) +
> fixed_mul(p[2], a[2][0]);
> ....
> where "fixed_mul" is a function that does the multiplication as I
> explained earlier.
> To convert the result back to an integer, just shift down by 16.

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