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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 3/3] pids: Make it possible to clone tasks with given pids
    >>> The child_tidptr points to an array of pids for current namespace and
    >>> its ancestors. When 0 is met in this array the pid number for the
    >>> corresponding namespace is generated, rather than set.
    >> I must have missed something, but I can't unserstand how this works.
    >>> For security reasons after a regular clone/fork is done in a namespace
    >>> further cloning with predefined pid is not allowed.
    >> I guess, this is pid_ns->last_pid != 0 check in set_pidmap(), right ?

    Thanks for the feedback, Oleg! Please, see my explanation below.

    >>> +static int set_pidmap(struct pid_namespace *pid_ns, int pid)
    >>> +{
    >>> + int offset;
    >>> + struct pidmap *map;
    >>> +
    >>> + offset = pid & BITS_PER_PAGE_MASK;
    >>> + map = &pid_ns->pidmap[pid/BITS_PER_PAGE];
    >>> +
    >>> + if (unlikely(!map->page))
    >>> + if (alloc_pidmap_page(map))
    >>> + return -ENOMEM;
    >>> +
    >>> + if (pid_ns->last_pid != 0)
    >>> + return -EPERM;
    >> OK, but it should be always true, no? IOW, set_pidmap() should always
    >> fail?
    >> Unless: you are using CLONE_NEWPID along with CLONE_CHILD_USEPIDS and
    >> this child_tidptr array has only one pid (before zero pid).
    > And, if you do clone(CLONE_NEWPID | CLONE_CHILD_USEPIDS), then
    > new_ns->child_reaper == NULL (unless you pass "1" in child_tidptr[]) ?
    >> So, could you please explain what I have missed?
    > please ;) I guess I misread this patch completely. Help!

    This is how I plan to use this functionality.

    When creating an init of a container being restored I call

    pids[0] = 1;
    pids[1] = 0;


    At this point the newly created namespace will have last_pid == 0 and will allow
    for this init to be created. Then this created "init" task will have to read pids
    from image files and call

    pids[0] = <pid>
    pids[1] = 0

    clone(CLONE_CHILD_USEPIDS, &pids);

    one by one. At this point the last_pid is still 0 and this new tasks with given
    pids will be created. The newly created tasks if they have children too will have
    to call the same code snippet.

    After the restore is completed and new tasks are fork()-ed the last_pid gets finally
    updated and new CLONE_CHILD_USEPIDS will return the EPERM in this namespace not
    allowing for pids confusion.

    And for the init_pid_ns the last_pid is set to non zero early at boot (when the kthreadd
    is created) and thus pids abuse isn't allowed for the non-containerized system from
    the very boot.

    Does this sound OK?

    > Oleg.

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