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SubjectRe: Mercurial linux-kernel repository at
>> I do not use it, but are there any plans to restore it?
> Not on, certainly.

I'll actually say, it hasn't been an immediate priority given the number
of other tasks that are more immediately pending.

> I asked the admins a while back to send me a copy of the SHA
> map file from my account I needed to continue the mirror elsewhere and
> HPA declined, making some handwaving towards "eventually letting people
> download tarballs of their old accounts".

There hasn't been any serious movement on getting you your home
directory for several reasons:

1) You haven't asked for your account to be reinstated on I
have no record of you having ever sent in a gpg key at all, let alone
one that's been signed so we can verify you and your request

2) Without a gpg key so we can verify you and your request, we can't
encrypt your home dir and get it to you.

3) You asked hpa directly and not

> As far as I know, "eventually" hasn't happened yet. I guess it's time to
> fire up a new mirror from scratch. It'll be incompatible with old clones
> due to not having the above file and various minor changes in both git
> and hg in the 6 years the original mirror was running. I'll announce it
> when it's done - it'll probably take a while.

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  Last update: 2011-11-11 20:39    [W:0.051 / U:1.936 seconds]
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