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SubjectRe: status: establishing a PGP web of trust

On Saturday, October 01, 2011, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since the status announcement last week a number of you
> have contacted me about re-establishing credentials. In order to
> establish a proper PGP web of trust we need keys that are cross-signed
> by other developers. As such, we ask that you follow the following
> steps:
> 1. Make sure your systems are uncompromised. We will address specific
> recommended steps for that in a separate email.
> 2. Create a new PGP/GPG key, and also generate a key revocation
> certificate (but don't import it anywhere -- save it for the
> future) for your new key. In the near future we are considering
> setting up an escrow service for key revocation certificates.
> I recommend using a 4096-bit RSA key. Given how fast computers are
> these days, there is no reason to use a shorter key. DSA keys
> should be considered obsolete; substantial weaknesses have been
> found in DSA.
> $ gpg --gen-key
> $ gpg -u <key ID> -o <key ID>.revoke --gen-revoke

OK, how long should the new key be valid?


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