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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] VFIO driver: Non-privileged user level PCI drivers
    OK, in the interest of making progress, I am about to embark on the following:

    1. Create a user-iommu-domain driver - opening it will give a new empty domain.
    Ultimately this can also populate sysfs with the state of its world, which would
    also be a good addition to the base iommu stuff.
    If someone closes the fd while in use, the domain stays valid anyway until users
    drop off.

    2. Add DOMAIN_SET and DOMAIN_UNSET ioctls to the vfio driver. Require that
    a domain be set before using the VFIO_DMA_MAP_IOVA ioctl (this is the one
    that KVM wants). However, the VFIO_DMA_MAP_ANYWHERE ioctl is the one
    which uses the dma_sg interface which has no expicit control of domains. I
    intend to keep it the way it is, but expect only non-hypervisor programs would
    want to use it.

    3. Clean up the docs and other nits that folks have found.


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      Last update: 2010-06-03 23:47    [W:6.297 / U:0.040 seconds]
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