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SubjectRe: [RFC] Initial OLPC Viafb merge
Jonathan Corbet schrieb:
> Sorry, the only working platform I had was the OLPC 2.6.31 tree, and
> there was little point in publishing that by the time it was ready to
> be seen. That said, I *did* point out the tree where the work could be
> seen for anybody who was interested.

Well the time I looked in your tree I didn't see any of the remaining
suspend/resume efforts. Okay perhaps I should have rechecked it now and
Please correct me if I am wrong but the remaining 6 patches concerning
suspend&resume look like a real big FIXME. So at the end it is expected
to work only on VX855 and needs something called OFW?
It doesn't seem to make much sense to review each of them because the
following patches might or might not correct some of the issues of the
other. It is really a pain to have 6 patches trying to add a single
feature. Is there any way to fix this mess. (I assume you didn't merge
them due to authorship issues?)
I think it might be better to drop those for now and wait for viafb to
be in a better shape before adding this feature. The mode setting should
be in a pretty good shape just 1 or 2 kernel versions ahead so that the
dependency on OFW can be dropped I think.

Sorry but I really think this is not in a shape where merging it is an
option. I think it would be better to skip those suspend/resume patches
for the next merge window.


Florian Tobias Schandinat

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