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SubjectRe: [PATCH] x86/PCI: never allocate PCI MMIO resources below BIOS_END
On 04/26/2010 02:25 PM, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:12:35 -0700
> "H. Peter Anvin" <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:27:56 -0600
>>> Bjorn Helgaas <> wrote:
>>>> I'm a little concerned that those patches are a sledgehammer approach.
>>>> Previously, IORESOURCE_BUSY has basically been used for mutual exclusion
>>>> between drivers that would otherwise claim the same resource. It hasn't
>>>> been used to guide resource assignment in the PCI/PNP/etc core. Maybe
>>>> it's a good idea to also use IORESOURCE_BUSY there, but I'm not sure.
>>>> Right now it feels like undesirable overloading to me.
>>> I guess that's true, removing those regions from the pool entirely
>>> might be better? Or some other, clear way of expressing that the
>>> regions aren't available to drivers. Maybe we need a new IO resource
>>> type for platform ranges.
>>>> I think it also leads to at least one problem: Guenter's machine has no
>>>> VGA but has a PCI device that lives at 0xa0000. The driver for that
>>>> device won't be able to request that region if the arch code has marked
>>>> it busy.
>>> Ah good point, so we'll want another approach at any rate. Yinghai?
>> What we need is to keep track of the areas available for address space
>> allocation by dynamically addressed devices, as distinct from address
>> space that is in use by a kernel-known device. There is an in-between,
>> which one can call "here there be dragons" space, which should never be
>> used for dynamic device allocation, but if a platform device or
>> pre-assigned device uses that space then it should be allowed to be
>> allocated.
>> In the case of x86, anything that is E820_RESERVED, *or* in the legacy
>> region (below 1 MB) and is not RAM, is "here there be dragons" space.
> Agreed. The trickier part is handling any platform devices that
> request_resource against that space. But maybe we don't need to do
> anything special; just making sure we avoid it in the PCI "BIOS" code
> as Bjorn did may be sufficient.

the two regressions from the reporters:

BIOS put 0xa0000-0xb0000, 0xc0000- 0xd0000 with E820_RESERVED.
BIOS ACPI _CRS keep 0xa0000-0xb0000, 0xc0000-0xd0000 as part resources
for peer root bus: BUS 0.

kernel insert 0xa0000-0xb0000 into resource tree with _BUSY in
e820_reserve_resources() at first.
last pci bus scan code, will insert 0xa0000-0xb0000, and it is under
previous reserved entry.

later pci_assign_unassign code, will use bus 0 resources directly, and
don't care if the parent's have _BUSY bit.

1. mark _BUSY under bus 0 resource: ==> -v3
2. split e820 reserve entries to small pieces to fit into bus 0
resources, so will have holder under bus0 resources. it will prevent
those range to be used.
3. reject any dynamically allocation under 1M. ==> Bjorn's new patch.

till now, driver can reserve resource under 1M, only when those range is
not in e820.

case A:
bus 0: --- bus X --- device Y
if the BIOS only assign range to to BUS X bridge with 0xB0000, and
device Y is not assigned. then with Bojorn's patch, device Y can not
get right resource allocated on first try.

my -v4 can handle that case.


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