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SubjectRe: [PATCH 7/7] ondemand: Solve the big performance issue with ondemand during disk IO

> The ondemand cpufreq governor uses CPU busy time (e.g. not-idle time) as
> a measure for scaling the CPU frequency up or down.
> If the CPU is busy, the CPU frequency scales up, if it's idle, the CPU
> frequency scales down. Effectively, it uses the CPU busy time as proxy
> variable for the more nebulous "how critical is performance right now"
> question.
> This algorithm falls flat on its face in the light of workloads where
> you're alternatingly disk and CPU bound, such as the ever popular
> "git grep", but also things like startup of programs and maildir using
> email clients... much to the chagarin of Andrew Morton.
> This patch changes the ondemand algorithm to count iowait time as busy,
> not idle, time. As shown in the breakdown cases above, iowait is performance
> critical often, and by counting iowait, the proxy variable becomes a more
> accurate representation of the "how critical is performance"
> question.

Well, and now, if you do something like cat /dev/<your usb1.1 hdd> >
/dev/null, you'll keep cpu on max frequency. Not a problem for new
core i7, but probably big deal for athlon 64.

Maybe modern cpus can and should simply react faster?

(cesky, pictures)

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  Last update: 2010-04-23 07:27    [W:0.151 / U:0.512 seconds]
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