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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/5] Add a global synchronization point for pvclock
On 04/21/2010 03:01 AM, Zachary Amsden wrote:
>>> on this machine Glauber mentioned, or even on a multi-core Core 2 Duo),
>>> but the delta calculation is very hard (if not impossible) to get
>>> right.
>>> The timewarps i've seen were in the 0-200ns range, and very rare (once
>>> every 10 minutes or so).
>> Might be due to NMIs or SMIs interrupting the rdtsc(); ktime_get()
>> operation which establishes the timeline. We could limit it by
>> having a loop doing rdtsc(); ktime_get(); rdtsc(); and checking for
>> some bound, but it isn't worthwhile (and will break nested
>> virtualization for sure). Better to have the option to calibrate
>> kvmclock just once on machines with
> Yes. So its not as if the guest visible TSCs go out of sync (they don't
> There's a perfect way to do this and it still fails to stop
> timewarps. You can set the performance counters to overflow if more
> instructions are issued than your code path, run an assembly
> instruction stream and if the performance interrupt hits, restart the
> calibration.

It's completely impractical. The PMU is a global resource that is
already shared among users and the host; programming and restoring it is
expensive; and in a virtualized environment it the whole scheme may fail.

> The calibration happens not just once, but on every migration, and
> currently, I believe, on every VCPU switch. Even if we reduce the
> number of calibrations to the bare minimum and rule out SMIs and NMIs,
> there will still be variation due to factors beyond our control
> because of the unpredictable nature of cache and instruction issue.


> one key feature which the code is missing today: on SMP VMs, the
> calibration of kvmclock needs to be done only once, and the clock can
> then be used for all VCPUs. That, I think, stops Glauber's bug from
> appearing on the server side.

That's the plan.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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  Last update: 2010-04-21 10:09    [W:0.104 / U:0.204 seconds]
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