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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3] lockdep: Make MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES configurable.
>>> On 4/21/2010 at 07:37 AM, in message <1271849823.1776.87.camel@laptop>, Peter
Zijlstra <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 13:12 +0200, John Kacur wrote:
>> Certain configurations that have LOCKDEP turned on, run into the limit
>> where the MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES are too small. Rather than simply
>> turning of the locking correctness validator let the user configure this
>> value to something reasonable for their system.
> I'm not sure its worth having a CONFIG_ value for this, that'll just be
> yet another random value nobody knows what to do with.
> Do you actually have a machine that reproduces this? Can you see how
> many classes, avg stacktraces per class and the avg entries per
> stacktrace there are?
> Also, is there's lots of classes, are there many with a similar name?
> That is, is it a valid depletion or is there something wonkey with those
> setups?

Hi John, Peter.

I am not sure if Johns solution is the right/best one per se, but I can attest
that I used to hit this problem _all_ the time and it was somewhat annoying
to need to patch the kernel on all of my machines to fix it. I realize that I
perhaps do not represent the average user, but it was a pain-point for me.
FWIW, John's patch would indeed make my life easier since I tend to share the
.config between builds.

Kind Regards,

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