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SubjectRe: [RFC PATCH 2/4] ARM: hw-breakpoint: add ARM backend for the hw-breakpoint framework
Hi Frederic,

Thanks for addressing some of these problems.

> > There are two related issues here:
> >
> > 1.) A watchpoint can be synchronous or asynchronous, you can determine which when
> > you take the exception. If the watchpoint is synchronous, then yes, we can look
> > at the trapped regs to find the causative instruction. Then we would need to
> > disassemble the instruction and emulate the address generation part [which may
> > also need the trapped regs] in order to calculate the faulting data address.
> > If the watchpoint exception is asynchronous, we can read the WFAR register to
> > find the address of the causative instruction. Unfortunately, we could still
> > be screwed in this case because we won't be able to emulate the address
> > calculation for a register-relative load/store. Thankfully, v7 cores only
> > generate synchronous watchpoints [apart from some very early revisions which
> > you won't see in the wild] but v6 cores are the opposite; they only generate
> > asynchronous watchpoint exceptions.
> >
> > 2.) For a standard data abort, the DFAR is updated to contain the data address which
> > caused the fault. Ideally this would also be the case for watchpoint exceptions
> > because then we wouldn't have to disassemble anything [and as I mentioned
> > previously, I'm yet to find a real implementation that doesn't set the DFAR on
> > taking a watchpoint, but it's not something that the architecture guarantees].
> It's a cruel architecture...

It grows on you :)

> > > > > Ah and it will make ptrace support easier: the user writes into the val/ctrl
> > > > > fields directly as if they were the true registers, then you can just validate
> > > > > the fields you want without bitwise ops.
> > > > >
> > > > I'm unsure about this. As mainline stands, ARM has no ptrace support for the
> > > > hardware breakpoint registers. This means that we could expose the
> > > > hardware resources in an idealised fashion via ptrace so that if the
> > > > interface varies between CPUs, userspace doesn't need to care. I had a
> > > > crack at this with another patch in the series here:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Ah, indeed if you need to abstract out various ARM versions, that's quite sensitive.
> > > I'm going to look at this thread too.
> >
> > It's not so much about necessity, but I think it would be nice if userspace
> > didn't have to care so much about the breakpoint/watchpoint debug hardware on the
> > target. Since we don't have any backwards compatibility issues [because ptrace in
> > mainline has never supported hardware breakpoints on ARM] we can define a stable
> > API regardless of the hardware.
> Yeah, looking at how this is implemented across versions, it seems
> that they all share the same registers, but early versions have
> unfeatured reserved bytes in control registers that are filled
> with new features over time in subsequent versions.
> It looks like the things are then forward compatible but not
> backward.
> Isn't that enough to provide a ptrace interface? I mean you can't do
> much magic here. Having something that works everywhere would consist
> in implementing only the minimal set of features only.

I suppose the ptrace interface will involve bit-packing at some point anyway,
so mirroring the hardware configuration might not be as bad as I initially thought.
The hardware has some slightly more esoteric features [breakpoint linking, context
matching etc] that won't be supported in software for now so I'll ignore those bits.

> > I'm unsure about how to provide full protection though. You could still
> > set a breakpoint on the breakpoint handling code that exists outside of the
> > exception text. Do other archs suffer from this problem? I'm tempted
> > just to disallow Kernel breakpoints for now, but that would be a shame.
> In x86 we just write the control register to disable the breakpoints
> in the exception handler. (I suspect we don't do it early enough though).
> You can do the same in ARM.


> > One thing that has hit me is the behaviour of the framework when a breakpoint
> > is hit. If the breakpoint is synchronous, after the exception has been handled
> > [and perf_bp_event has been called], execution will restart at the faulting
> > instruction. It is down to the client program [traditionally a debugger] to
> > remove the breakpoint, single-step and re-insert the breakpoint. Obviously the
> > perf tool doesn't do this, so if you try to perf stat a breakpoint event you
> > will livelock [potentially another reason to disable Kernel breakpoints?]
> If I understand you correctly,
> sync = breakpoint triggers before the instruction is executed,
> trap return to the faulting instruction
> async = breakpoint triggers after the instruction is executed

That's right.

> Then yeah, the current breakpoint framework only supports async
> ones.

Oh no!

> If an arch has no choice but using sync breakpoints, it needs
> to handle that. It seems PowerPc has a similar problem, may be
> have a look at Prasad's patches.

Could you give me a pointer to these patches please [I can't see them on LKML]?
I *think* PowerPC is lucky enough to have hardware single step, so handling
synchronous breakpoints isn't *too* difficult. In ARM we have to work out the
address of the following instruction, which is quite tricky because it could be a
branch instruction [from a selection of instruction sets] and also be predicated.
GDB can handle this, but the Kernel doesn't have the capability to do so [there's
some code in arch/arm/ptrace.c but it's not feature complete].

> If there is something that can be handled from the generic
> layer to help solving this problem, I'll try something.

Unfortunately this is very much an arch problem. As a half-way house, I might
implement only the ptrace part of hw-breakpoint for ARM. That way we can
force the client to handle stepping over the breakpoint and we also won't have
to worry about recursive breakpoints in the Kernel.



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