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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/6] KVM: SVM: Wrap access to intercept masks into functions
On 11/30/2010 07:03 PM, Joerg Roedel wrote:
> Hi Avi, Hi Marcelo,
> this patchset wraps the access to the intercept vectors in the VMCB into
> specific functions. There are two reasons for this:
> 1) In the nested-svm code the effective intercept masks are
> calculated from the host and the guest intercept masks.
> Whenever KVM changes the host intercept mask while the VCPU
> is in guest-mode the effective intercept masks need to be
> re-calculated. This is nicely wrapped into these functions
> now and makes the code more robust.
> 2) These changes make the implementation of the upcoming
> vmcb-clean-bits feature easier and also more robust (which
> was the main reason for writing this patchset).
> These patches were developed on-top of the patch-set I sent yesterday. I
> tested these patches with various guests (Windows-64, Linux 32,32e and
> 64 as well as with nested-svm).

Looks good.

One potential issue is that a series of set_intercept()s causes
recalc_intercepts() to be called multiple times. If it turns out to be
a problem, we can fix it by having an intercepts dirty bit and
recalculating during guest entry if the bit is set.

Since it's nested svm only, I doubt we'll see a problem in the short term.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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  Last update: 2010-11-30 18:45    [W:0.090 / U:0.032 seconds]
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