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SubjectRe: [PATCH 03/11] x86/dtb: Add a device tree for CE4100
Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Here are the properties for PCI and ISA on the OLPC XO-1.5
> platform (Via C7 x86 CPU with Via VX855 IO chip):
> ok dev /pci/isa
> ok .properties
> reg 00008800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

> Note that the PCI node has no reg property. On a system with multiple independent PCI buses at the top level, it would be necessary to distinguish them with reg properties reflecting their different addresses in the root address space. PC-style architectures typically (always?) have a single top-level PCI domain, so I've never never needed to do that in x86 land. It used to be pretty common on PPC "big iron".

My PCI node does not have a reg property but its child nodes.
In x86_of_pci_init() [0] I walk through the PCI child nodes, read the reg
property of each node which gives me the devfn of the device. I pass this
pci_get_slot() and get the pci_dev struct where I attach the of_node. So
it can by used by the pci driver.

How do I create the PCI device <-> OF node mapping with this? I think your
isa node has this as well. 00008800 is the devfn and I simply forgot the
four blocks of zeros.



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