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SubjectRe: [RFT][PATCH] Poke ACPI about connected floppy drives
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:57:22PM -0500, Len Brown wrote:
> I have 45 DSDTs on-hand that include PNP0700,
> but only 18 of those implement _FDE...

Awesome, thanks for testing. Poking people to test the module on their
machines I saw pretty much the same experiences. A lot of tables that
do have _FDE seem to wire it to One if there's a floppy controller,
regardless of whether a drive is wired.

Pretty much makes it useless for what I was hoping to use it for
(avoiding probing floppies on machines without them attached, since it
sometimes takes quite a while.)

> I have a Lenovo T61 which has PNP0700 and implements _FDE.
> However, it doesn't physically have a floppy, and so
> acpi_fde_add() will never get called -- I guess
> because _CRS said it wasn't present? This seems
> to make evaluating _FDE from the .add routine
> somewhat redundant, no?

I'm not sure what _CRS is, so I don't know. :/ I'll look it up.

> Note that you've got a memory leak in acpi_fde_add()
> in the "if (!c)" case. Also, "rmmod floppy" takes an oops.

Oops, sorry, it was just for testing so I didn't bother checking those.

Not sure the patch is worth the effort given how few DSDTs implement
_FDE though.

regards, Kyle

> cheers,
> Len Brown, Intel Open Source Technology Center

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