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SubjectRe: [PATCH v1.2 0/5] IMA: making i_readcount a first class inode citizen
On Tue, 2010-11-02 at 13:08 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> Changelog:
> - renamed iget/iput_readcount to i_readcount_inc/dec (Dave Chinner's suggestion)
> - finished cleaning up the locking, so that: (based on Eric's comment.)
> - i_lock is not required
> - i_mutex is taken when making measurement decisions to prevent
> file metadata(eg. permissions, xattr) changing from under it.
> - iint->mutex is taken when accessing/modifying the iint structure.
> - Based on the previous posting discussion, i_readcount is now defined as
> atomic.
> This patchset separates the incrementing/decrementing of the i_readcount,
> in the VFS layer, from other IMA functionality, by replacing the current
> ima_counts_get() call with i_readcount_inc(). Its unclear whether this
> call to increment i_readcount should be made earlier, like i_writecount.
> The patch ordering is a bit redundant in order to leave removing the ifdef
> around i_readcount until the last patch. The first four patches: redefines
> i_readcount as atomic, defines i_readcount_inc/dec(), moves the IMA
> functionality in ima_counts_get() to ima_file_check(), and removes the
> IMA imbalance code, simplifying IMA. The last patch removes the ifdef
> around i_readcount, making i_readcount into a "first class inode citizen".
> The generic_setlease code could then take advantage of i_readcount.
> Mimi
> Mimi Zohar (5):
> IMA: convert i_readcount to atomic
> IMA: define readcount functions
> IMA: maintain i_readcount in the VFS layer
> IMA: remove IMA imbalance checking
> IMA: making i_readcount a first class inode citizen

Ack on patches 1-4. Patch 5 I'm not so sure about. As long as IMA is
the only user I don't think we really want to unconditionally compile
i_readcount in. I say we either leave it wrapped in CONFIG_IMA until
there is a second user. Then we either unconditionally compile it in,
or we wrap it in something that either user can select in the Kconfig.

I'll let others voice their opinion.


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  Last update: 2010-11-02 19:07    [W:0.033 / U:0.324 seconds]
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