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SubjectRe: tty: add 'active' sysfs attribute to tty0 and console device
> Example: running a boot script on /dev/console and after fsck
> sulogin has to called to be able to asked the system admin.
> Now the question is which console device the system admin is
> waiting in front of (before /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/tty3270 or whatever).

Ok that is a rather nebulous concept for embedded. The answer probably
being that the true console device has no input facility.

> I'm aware of. For using tty devices of the system console it requires
> to have e.g. with my patch:
> bash> cat /proc/tty/consoles
> tty0 -WU (ECp) 4:7
> the `W' flag for write and the major:minor pair, beside this the `U'
> flag indicates the tty can do an unblank operation, the `-' shows that
> there is no read operation (never seen such a console tty). On an other

Try the lp printer console if you want a test case

> to detect the primary console device here.

Why not just open /dev/console ?


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  Last update: 2010-11-18 14:01    [W:0.093 / U:0.764 seconds]
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